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"Okay. You may go now. Thank you for joining me today. İt has made me very happy."

Happy, happy, happy.

Who the hell would say that after saying-

Oh yeah, it's her. Why the hell  woudn't she say it in such a careless way after-


"Really?" He snarled. "I'm so glad. Because I love to make people like you happy, so you're welcome, any time. But it's not like I ever have a choice." 

Who did, in a school like this, in an enviroment like this, in a country like this, in a world like this.

He glared at her, and she smiled at him. Then she bent down and put a hand on his shoulder and smiled wider. He could see her pupils getting smaller, her smile getting more crazy, every second. 

"I would never force you in to anything, dear child."

Dear child. 

Yeah, sure.

 Then, she dropped her voice to a whisper, and he felt the hand on his shoulder grip tighter, fingers digging into his skin, drawing pain. His mind  took it with gratitude, with hunger, but his body screamed for help, as it always did. 

 Pain... A pleasure compered to what was going to happen to-

"But, if you mention this to him, if you try to warn him or tell him to hide, I will kill both you, and your  little friends. I hope you understand me?"

He gritted his teeth under his scowl, and glared at her from under dark hair. What the hell was she playing at. He thought she would give him a chance, but she was ruthless, and heartless. 

And he liked to tell himself he was too, but he would look at others and think: 

What use is it too try too be heartless?

And as if she knew what he was thinking, she said:

"This is a ruthless world, and one must be ruthless to cope with it."

His eyes widened, and he was brought back to the present. Unwillingly.

"This is blackmail. You can't-"

He realized their wasn't, in her position, anything she couldn't do. But it was to hard to keep inside. 

"You can't do... This you can't... What do you even think you're doing?!" The world was spinning. The words she said were spinning in his mind, and the hatred in her eyes span in his vision. Dizzieness over came him; he felt sick. 

She straightened up, turned, and walked slowly back to Miss İsabella's office, where she  was waiting.

Then, hand on the doorknob, she turned her head and looked at him.

"İsn't it obvious?"

She smiled, but this time it wasn't even disgiused as a smile of warmth, love, comfort and happieness. İt was simply smug, cruel, and full of hatred. He had never felt so cold. 

"I'm blackmailing you."

And she faced the door again, turned the handle, and walked inside, leaving him alone in the empty corridoor.

And Ray watched her go, watched the devil crawl like a coward in disguise back to it's lare, and he felt like a cornered prey, watching and holding it's breath as the predator stalked towrds it. 



He  wouldn't be cornered. He would dig a hole, and hide. No, better, he would climb the walls and be free. Free. 


And if their was fire on the other side? All the better. 

Ray smiled, remembering her words, and knowing she would regret saying them.

This is a ruthless world, and one must be ruthless to cope with it.

Yeah, to survive it more like. 

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