Agni and Ruri

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Emma woke, and opened her eyes to pitch darkness. She was lying on a slippery floor, cold and very hard. She blinked, and sat up, supporting her left arm. 

"H...H...Hello? İs anybody..."

A voice some way of made her jump, and she spun round but still couldn't see anything.

"EMMA! You're here too! Thank god I thought I was alone. D'you know where we... Are?"

"Norman? İs that you?"


"I can't see anything- Where are you? Where's Ray?"

Norman squinted,  but still all he could see was black. "I can't see him. Ray?"

No answer. Emma waved her hand around in front of her. Nothing.

"He's not here. He would've said something."

Then she felt a hand on her head, and screamed, reeling backwards.

"İt's only me, you moron. And be quiet. Where's Norman?"

Emma glared at the darkness, then realized it wouldn't do anything. She decided to use words.

"RAY! How dare you scare me, I'm injured! I almost had a heart attack!"

"Beat it. Hey, Norman, come over here. We should stay together." 

Emma snorted. "Ha, says you."

"I can't see you." Came Norman's worried voice. "Oh god, where the hell are we!"

"I don't know." Ray sighed. "But we'll be out in ten minutes."

Emma pulled her legs to her chest and rested her chin on her knees. Her head hurt, because she must have been hit on the head. She wondered if Norman and Ray hurt too.

"Uh... İs this you?" 

"That's probably the wall, Norman." Hissed Ray.

"Oh. İs this you?"



"Shut up, Emma."

Emma frowned. She could hear other voices from outside, one hushed and one harsh. She nudged whoever was next to her. "Quiet. There are people out there."

"What? You mean... People?" Whispered Norman. A sigh came from Emma's other side. 

"Yep." Emma said, and silence followed.  Then the voices got louder, and they could hear what was being said.

"Hey, you wanted to, bro. I told you we should wait for them to find us."

"Don't you blame it on me. I said, I'm sure these are the right ones."

"Ruri, they're kids. One of them knows, sure, but..."

"You've been watching them haven't you? I thought you knew if they had made a plan or not."

"They're kids. Of course they haven't."

"We were kids, weren't we?"

"Hell, yeah, and you still are."

"We're the same age, dummy."

The voices got closer, one female, one male, and Emma turned to Norman. "One of them said he'd been watching us." She spun round and faced Ray. "Spies! The Murderer must have sent them!"

Before Ray or Norman could reply, the door swung open, and light poured in. Two figures were squinting at them. 

A girl with brown, narrowed eyes, high cheekbones and a large  hood stood beside a boy with longish dark brown hair and giant glasses, his hands stuck in his pockets. They both looked about seventeen, or sixteen. 

"Agni, wake them up." Said the girl, pulling her hood further so her eyes were no longer visable. "Kick them, or something."

"W...Wait!" Said Norman, getting to his feet. Emma jumped up, pulling Ray up too. "Who are you?" Norman asked. "We want to know."

"Agni." Said the boy, holding out a hand. "And you are?"

"We don't have time to make converstation with the little squirts." Snapped the girl. "And don't tell them your name, idiot!"

Agni pulled a face, but stepped back. Ruri glared at him, and then turned her gaze back to the children.

"Names." She said. "Now."

Emma didn't like her. At all. Agni was biting his thumbnail. She didn't like him  either. Norman and Ray were glaring, and put her arms around them and said: "Emma."



"Let us go. We know you're spies." Snarled Ray.

Ruri opened her mouth, but Agni interrupted. "You're one to talk, Bro."


"Emma, Norman and Ray. We expected people... Taller." Said Ruri. "But I guess since Agni's been watching you for a while this doesn't surprise him."

She pulled her hood down, exposing dark blue hair twisted in a weird style with most of it falling out of the hairband, and sighed. "But I guess you are the ones they told us would show up sooner or later, so that's a good sign."

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