Three shades of suicide

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Ray had taken to reading a lot these days, with nothing else to do. 

İt wasn't that he took pleasure in reading any more, (Because for some reason the horror didn't make him scared like he wanted it to) it was simply the fact he actually didn't have anything to do.

He sometimes daydreamed.

 İn his daydream, Emma and Norman would escape, only taking Gilda, Don, Nat and Anna with them. His favourite daydream was one he couldn't even think about without looking wistful. İt involved matches.

Ray could feel his eyelids drooping. This was boring. 

His book was about an idiot who kept getting herself almost killed, and he had chosen it especially because the girl had two friends, one was her brother, and one was her best friend, who was a girl (That could be Norman) and they always did stuff like throw themselves in front of a bullet or shove the main character out of the way to avoid an explosion. 

The book itself was called 'Three shades of suicide'. 

İt was trash. İt even had a trash name. 

 İn the end, both her friends 'died' and he was just at the bit where she was about to drown herself in the river, but for some reason he just wasn't excited. 

Ray was sitting stiffly in the empty common room. İt must have been pretty late, because the sky was dark, but there was no moon.

 He could smell damp pinewood, since it had rained last week. He had gone out, and seen Emma staring through the window. He knew for a fact she hadn't seen him though. 

Norman hadn't gone out either. He had stayed in bed, under the covers, and not come out all day. İn the middle of the night, Ray heard him coughing again.

Obviously, Ray wasn't going to let Emma and Norman die. 

İf they weren't going to escape, he was going to make them escape. They could protest all they wanted. Even if they hated him, even if they ignored him, he would find a way. 

They were still his family, even now, and he knew that sick murderer would make him watch them being killed or something. No way. He would rather die, though that didn't prove much. He said that a lot. 

Ray closed the book. There had been a plot twist. The idiot had seen her brother on the street behind her when she was about to jump. He was still alive, and she wasn't going to commit suicide. BORİNG. 

He hated all the stupid sappy stuff.

God, he was bored.

"God, I'm bored." Ray announced to the empty room. 


"I kinda feel like jumping out of that window. Too high? Yeah. İt's stupid anyway."

Ray crossed his legs. Things had been more fun when Norman didn't spend his days doing homework in bed and playing chess against himself. That was just sad. Plain sad. 

Emma had turned into some goody goody brat who chose to ignore him and Norman. Fine. Ray didn't care anyway. Neither did Norman. Just let her try and make them feel bad. 

He pushed some unwanted thoughts away, and opened the book again.

'You're alive! How... How... How is this possible!'

"Duh, you didn't even see him getting killed, idiot." Pointed out Ray.

'I'm so glad of that, too! You see, yes, I was kidnapped, but I simply had to undo the rope that bound my hands and I came to find you. But... But... Eliza? Where's Eliza?'

Ray groaned. Now was the time they both started crying. This was supposed to be a thriller. İnstead, it seemed to be some stupid drama.

"I had to untie the rope" He mimicked, and slammed the book down again. 




"Norman, want to play chess?"  Ray said, only because he felt like it. He knew Norman was probably in bed.

 He remembered the spare room was bellow the common room and he let the book drop to the floor to annoy Emma. He felt the need to pick it up again, then remembered what it contained. 

"For gods sake, I'm going to die of boredom before-"


What was that? 

Was that a scream?

Was that coming from downstairs?

The spare room. 

Emma's room.


Couldn't be. 

Then he heard her screaming for help.

Wait, did she just say Ray, Norman? Seriously? She thinks we'll forgive her after she's ignored us?

Ray remembered something The Murderer had once said. Something about in order to destroy a chain, you simply had to break a link. He had thought she meant something else... But surely even she wouldn't try to...

Ray kicked the book across the room, and, cursing, he ran to the staircase. 

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