Broken trust

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Apparently, Agni and Ruri had escaped the school when they were twelve years old and Agni was two days away from getting shipped out. Agni told them they had a friend, Xia, who refused to come with them and sold them out to the 'teachers'. She was killed by a demon the next day, and after that Ruri and Agni swore to come back and rescue the rest of the kids from hell. They had been spying, 'watching' as Agni put it, on Emma, Norman and Ray since they came, hoping they would discover, and now sixteen years old and living off stolen food, they stayed in the attic.

 Agni seemed to be proud of the fact they had once taken down a demon.

"So, like once there was this demon, and it came to the attic door and, it was turning the handle really slowly, like a horror movie, and  Ruri was, like, screaming her head off, terrified, and then, I grabbed my-"

"I killed it while you hid under the bed."  Snapped Ruri. "Honestley it's been hell living here with an idiot."

"What? Ruri, that's no fair. I'm the one who's supposed to say that. Not you."

Slowly, Emma and Norman began to like them, laughing at Agni's jokes and rolling their eyes along with Ruri. 

Ray wasn't so trusting.

"Where did you say you stayed all those years? İt must have been hard to avoid the demons, let alone wild animals and people who would sell you out."

"My dear, I'm a pro at killing wild animals," Laughed Agni, pushing his giant glasses up to his head. "I protect wimpy little Rur- OW!"

Ruri kicked him in the stomach and Agni doubled over coughing, spluttering and laughing, his glasses falling to the floor. Ruri picked them up and tossed them to the corner.

Ray glared. 

"Call us kids? At least we're responsible. Look at you. Messing around. I don't care about your past or your backstory or your jokes. Emma and Norman, and me, we need to get out of here fast, because one of us three is getting shipped out next week and-"

"What?" Said Emma. "What did you just say?"

There was a silence.

"Ray," Norman also turned to Ray, who had gone a little pale. "What did you say?"

"I... I'll explain later, okay?"

Emma opened her mouth but Ruri shoved her aside and rounded on Ray.

"You what? Look here, buddy. I don't know what your problem is, but I suggest you keep your little accusations to your self. We're responsible enough to make sure we don't have any double agents on our side, thanks so much for your concern."

Ray stared at her. Ruri flipped her hood down and leaned in. 

"And maybe your lovely idea was a good one. There's no way you're getting out of here the way you are," She smiled for the first time, and whispered, 

"So maybe you should just go and kill yourself."

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