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Ray heard her scream and sped up. He could hear the demons raspy breathing some way of behind him. Good. 

Everything was going according to plan.

"DON'T LET İT GET AWAY!" Roared a demon that seemed to be the boss. They had no idea they were playing Ray's game. And Ray loved it.

He turned a corner and hit a smoke screen, ran blindly through it, almost crashed into a wall and kicked a fallen glass back. Then started laughing.

Damn, this is fun. Don't you wish Emma and Norman were here too?


They're going. I... I said I was meeting them on the wall, or tomorrow. I know Emma and Norman will go and wait. Norman knows we don't have much time. 

Um... We? Are you aware of what you're- Hey hey, look behind you! 

Ray, who usually listened to the voice in head, looked back and almost had a panick attack. A demon who's cloak was billowing around it and hiding it's feet was right behind him. Ray was only a twelve year old kid and the demon was... A demon. He couldn't run faster than it. He couldn't win. İt was like playing a game of tag against Emma with a broken leg. İf there were no rules, you could just make a trap and hide. But Miss İsabella always told him not to cheat.

But right now, there was no one to tell him not to cheat. There were no rules in this game.

He sped up, aproaching a chest of drawers. Ray was heading for the library. The place he, Emma and Norman had had so much fun together. He needed to be there.

"SPEED UP A BİT!" He yelled over his shoulder, but the demon probably didn't hear he was laughing so much. He had to get this timing perfect. Exact. Ray reached the chest of drawers, and...

Right before he kicked the chest of draws back, he grabbed a small box of the top. 

He kicked the chest back, and ran backwards for a few seconds. Then he raised the box, threw it high in the air and cought it again, grinning. 

The demon roared with anger as it tripped and fell. That would buy Ray some time. He could hear the other two, but they were some way off. This was the very corridoor he and his friends ran down that day they had detention, when Norman tried to explain what they were doing and Emma and Ray pulled him back. İt seemed years ago now.

Getting control of his breathing, Ray tossed the box in the air again, cought it, and sped up until the doors of the library were in sight.

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