Norman's amazing speech

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"Shut up."

"But Ray-"

"Shut up. Seriously, be quiet. We don't have time for your stupid mumbling. I get your worried about Emma, but all we can do is hope right now. So please, just shut up. "

Norman had led Ray to his post and they stood outside the door to the dining room.

"No. That's stupid. Ray, I'm telling you, there's a demon coming. Please listen."

"Shut up."

"Stop telling me to shut up, dammit!" growled Norman. "İt's useless. Listen to me for once Ray. We have to get out of here. Now."

Ray looked at him for a long time, then smirked. "Your stubborn, aren't you?" 

"No. Just right." Said Norman. 

"Okay. Here's a deal; you get in that dining hall and say something, then we run. Okay?"

Norman frowned. "Emma?" Ray sighed. "We obviously find her on the way."


"Go, Norman. You say something to keep them there until the coast is clear. Come on."

"Uhm... Say what?" Squeaked Norman.

"I don't know. Anything. Just go."

"But Ray..." 

"Go ON!" Ray shoved his friend over. Norman gave him one last look, then walked over to the door. He was panicking. He didn't know what he was supposed to say. He had never been in a situation like this. Emma would know. 

Well, Emma actually wouldn't know but she would say something motivaiting, most likely very loudly. And yes, most people wouldn't understand it, but who cared?

Norman opened the door feeling like he was walking into a lesson without his homework and eighty pairs of eyes stared at him. Then came the force of the crying, the panic.

"WHAT'S GOİNG ON!!??"  Screamed a boy with large glasses.

"İs this a bomb raid?"





"Uh." Norman swallowed and wished his friends were here.

"AN ATTACK? İS THİS AN ATTACK?" Screeched a slightly delusional purple haired girl. 

"No." Norman looked round to see Ray doing the thumbs up. He had a feeling it was sarcastic. 

Norman took a deep breath, but before he could start his speech, he saw a girl with orange hair and bright green eyes like candle light out of the corner of his eye burst through the main door a few steps away and scare Ray so much he almost fell over and started cursing her.

Oh. Emma. Emma was here. Emma was back. Relief flooded through Norman and he felt himself smiling.

Suddenley he knew what to say. Suddenley it didn't matter if he got it wrong because Emma was going to stand beside him and explain it in her way, which made sense like nothing else.

But only to three people.

Norman sighed, and turned back to the bewildered croud. Gilda and Don and Nat and Anna were at the front, Gilda was crying, Don was patting her on the back akwardly, Anna was looking at him with a look of confusement and Nat, for once, wasn't straightening his hair.

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