Chapter 5

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Mullys POV
I woke up to see that there was something laying in my bed next to me. It scared the shit out of me until I saw who it was. It was Josh , I took a deep breath a smiled gently when I saw his eyes open. I could tell he was shocked to see me too. "Oh my god Mully! I'm so sorry. It was really cold in my room and I-" he signed and I cut him off. "Josh it's ok bubs. I understand." I signed back and he sighed. We both got out of bed and made sure no one was outside my room so they didn't grow suspicious. Josh gave me a small smile as he went to his room and I could tell something was up. I decided to talk to him since I felt bad. I went into his room and saw him sitting on the bed with tears on his face , it broke my heart to see him cry. I walked over and put my hand on his back before hugging him.

"Josh what's wrong ?" I signed but he shook his head and signed "it's nothing just allergies." But I knew that was a lie. "You can tell me anything bubs. Please just tell me what's wrong." Signed and saw the tears fall from his face. "I really like you and I know you won't feel the same I'm sorry I-" I smiled and cut him off with a soft kiss on his lips. Seeing his face light up after pulling away was the best thing ever. "I love you so much Josh. I've liked you since I moved in and have been wanting to tell you for a while but I was too scared." I signed and he kissed me softly. "I love you too Mull." He signed while hugging me. He sat in my lap as I rubbed his back.

"Do you want to film a video for today?" He asked and I since we had nothing else to do. "Yay! What should we do?" He signed and I thought for a bit. "Do you want to film like a little ASL lesson?" I signed and he agreed. Seeing him this happy made my heart soar. I kissed his head then got my camera. I set up the camera in the living room so we had enough room to film. Everyone was sitting around watching us and it was kind of awkward but I didn't mind very much. Josh sat next to me signing the intro and I would talk. "Hi guys! Welcome to our channel. My names Josh and this is Mully." He signed and I smiled as I translated. "Today we are going to be doing a little lesson on ASL. Basically just some tips and tricks to help you learn. I'll have my handsome assistant translating for me today." I blushed as he signed the mast part , I didn't say what he had said since the boys were here with us and they didn't really know yet.

Josh's POV
Mully and I spent about an hour and a half filming us signing a bunch of commonly used words and it was actually really fun. After we finished I did the outro and Mully took the camera upstairs to edit. I followed him to his room and as he sat down I sat in his lap with my head on his shoulder. "I love you bubs." He signed making sure I could see it. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I sat in his lap watching him edit for a bit before I saw someone walk into the room.

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