Chapter 6

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Josh's POV
Someone walked into the room and my heart stopped. It was Juicy. I felt my face get hot and I wanted to cry knowing that Mully and I had been caught. Instead of yelling or laughing at us though. He smiled "I'm happy for you guys." He said then left. It felt like a thousand pounds of weight were lifted off my shoulders. Mully looked at my face and saw the single tear that escaped my eyes. He wiped it away and kissed me , "There's no need to be scared bubs. I love you and that's all that matters." He sighed and I pushed my head into his chest. "I love you so much Mully." I signed and watched him edit. It was boring but fun at the same time. He would get mad when he messed somethings but I'd cup his face in my hands and kiss him. That would usually calm him down then he'd go back to editing. He would always make sure I wasn't too bored , I was fine since I had my phone and him to keep me occupied. I felt him play with my hair and it felt amazing.

"Alright bubs. All done. Do you want to see the video?" He asked and I nodded . He pressed play and of course he made sure there were subtitles. The video looked amazing, and the subtitles were on point. I don't know how he did it but he made me look adorable with some kind of filters. After I watched the video I kissed him and smiled. " I love it!" I signed and he chuckled. "I hoped you would." We sat together and Mully put a show from Netflix in his computer. I love how caring he is , he always made sure I knew what was going on and that the subtitles were correct.

I sat in his lap for almost 2 hours without either of us getting up. It was great. Just me and my love. After a while of cuddles and Netflix I fell asleep in Mullys strong arms. I felt him kiss my forehead a few times and that helped me stay asleep. Just gentle kisses on my face . Mully laid me in his bed then cuddled next to me. Feeling him hold me close made me feel safe. It was calming to have him next to me.

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