Chapter 12

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Mullys POV
Josh sat in my lap for a bit while we watched TV but then it was time to go to the mall. I carried him back to our room to get dressed since all he was wearing was one on my hoodies and boxers. I love seeing him in my hoodies because they're huge on him. He wanted me to pick out his clothes so I got him some black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt with a red and black flannel. He looked so fucking cute!!

"I love you Mull." He signed and I smiled. "I love you more." He laughed a bit then I got dressed. "Do you want to bring your hearing aid or no?" I asked and he shook his head. "I need to get better at lip reading so I think we can just leave it." He signed and I nodded. "Just incase though I'm putting it in my bag." I signed and he agreed.

After getting dressed we decided to walk to the mall since it was really close to our house. I saw Josh's face light up as we walked inside. "I haven't been in a mall in years." He signed and he had a huge smile on his face. I kissed him lightly then we went to the first store. It was a shoe store and I wanted to surprise him with a new pair of his favorite shoes. "Ok so I need you to sit here and I'm going to put these on your feet then you can open your eyes." I signed and he agreed. I put the shoes on his feet and saw a look of excitement and joy grow on his face as he saw the shoes he's always wanted. He's always shown me these pictures of them and I've been saving up every little bit of money I could so I would be able to buy them for him.

"Mully you're kidding. Right?" He signed and I shook my head. "Wait how can we afford these?" He asked. "Well 'we' are not buying these. I'm buying these for you." I said and I saw a single tear find it's way out of his eye. "Why do you spoil me so much?" He asked jokingly. I smiled and kissed me. "Do you like them?" I signed and he gave me a look of "Really?"

"I love them! But I don't want you to be spending so much money on me." He signed back. "I save every bit of money that I get to spend on you because I want you to know that you're always loved no matter what. I don't just want to get you stuff on your birthday or holidays, I want to make everyday as special as those." I signed and I saw a tear of happiness roll down his cheek. He jumped into my arms and kissed me. "So you want these or do you want to look at other ones?" I asked and he took off the shoes. "If you don't mind then I'd love to get these ones." He said and I nodded. "Anything you want my love.

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