He asked to see you

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"Hordak is awake!" Perfuma shouted, causing Catra and Adora to spin around.

"What?" Catra called back, but Perfuma was already running down the hall.

"Come on!" Adora said, taking Catra's hand and following Perfuma.

There was a crowd gathered outside the med center, Bow trying to get everyone to quiet down.

"Adora!" He said, his voice hopeful.

"Have you seen him?" Adora asked him, Bow pushing through towards her.

"No, Perfuma and Scorpia are in there now. Catra," he said, turning to Catra, "He asked to see you." Catra felt a lump form in her throat and the hair along her arms bristled.

"Me?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah. He's exhausted, Perfuma is taking care of him now, but he's been adamant about seeing you."

"Has anyone told Entrapta?" Adora asked, looking for their small friend.

"I don't know." Bow replied.

"I'll go find her. Catra," she paused, "you should see him." Catra nodded, accepting a small kiss on the cheek from her girlfriend.

"I'll bring Entrapta in when I find her." Adora say, before making her way to the tech lab. Catra went to the door, the other princesses and castle-goers had relaxed. She hadn't realized how many people cared for Hordak, then again, some could be here in protest, wishing he didn't wake up.
Don't think like that. She tried to brush the thought from her mind. If people had grudges against Hordak she had no doubt they would have some against her. She pushed the door open, getting the attention of Perfuma and Scorpia.

"Catra!" Hordak's voice rasped. He tried to sit up but burst into a coughing fit. Perfuma put he reads behind his back, laying him back down.

"Be careful," the flower princess warned. Hordak nodded, still coughing.

"Catra," he said again and she stood at the foot of his bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I've been better." He replied. Catra wanted to look away, he wasn't in good shape, to say the least. The corner of his jaw was darkened, the familiar black spots and streaks vitiligo returning to his face. Catra gulped, she couldn't help but feel responsible. She had left them there, and it had almost killed him. He was returned to the weakened Hordak of the Horde.

"Hordak..." she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Its okay, Catra." He rasped. "I want to apologize."


"Fkr being so terrible to you, in the Horde. I was outraged by your... your power and I took it out on you. I ruined your life." He said. Ctara stated at him in disbelief.

"Hordak, you didn't ruin my life. That was Shadoweaver you just... didn't help save it. It's in the past now." She explained. A gentle smile graced his face and had he not been so damaged she would've embraced him. Being with the princesses had really rubbed off on her...

"Hordak?" A small voice came from the edge of the room.

"Entrapta," he smiled. She ran over to him and stepped on the stool next to bed hugging him.
Guess I could've hugged him after all.

"I thought you were gone I-"

"I'm here." He said, hugging his friend. Entrapta had tears falling down her cheeks. She place a hand on the darkened patches, smiling.

"You're okay." She said, seemingly like she just convinced herself.

"I am." She hugged him again, and he took in a whiff of her hair. Catra wiped a tear from her eye. Hordal and Entrapta were like her and Adora, they had a connection, a bond that was more than platonic, more than romantic. It was something... ethereal. She remembered how she felt finding Adora, strapped to the post.

"I'm going to make you some new Armour." Entrapta said, "Emily and I are working very hard on it starting today."

"I would love that."

"Any requests for color?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"Well, I have grown quite fond of purple..." Catra raised an eyebrow, her eyes meeting Perfuma and Scorpia who both seemed to be bursting with glee, and picking up what she was putting down.

"I'll bring some samples by at dinner." Entrapta said with a grin.

Two chapters in one weekend to make up for lost time, complete. Thanks for all the love and support guys 🧡

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