then show me

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"I can't believe you," Adora said, turning over to face Catra.

It'd been hours.


Adora was still on this.

"Adora, go to sleep. I need a full 8 hours, doctors orders."

"Reverse cowgirl.... you think that little of me"

"That little- what are you talking about?"

Catra rolled over meeting her gaze.

"Adora. I love you," she started, "and I am more than willing to do anything you want. Freaky or vanilla. But please, in the name of Brightmoon, go to sleep."

"I just... I didn't even know that's what that was like I knew what it was but it didn't click-" catra interrupted her by kissing her.

"Well now it has clicked. Please, let me sleep."

Adora nodded, moving to her back so Catra could snuggle up to her and put her head on her chest. Soon Adora's chest fell with a rhythmic pace as she fell asleep.

Catra dozed off soon as well.

And once again, she had no dreams.

The sun peered through and suddenly she was awake. It was like a switch in her brain had turned on, and soon Catra was getting a towel and amping the temperature of the shower.

She ran her claws through her hair, which she was suprised she could do now. She was done with the Bob, it seemed. She lifted it and gave it a spin on her finger, maybe if she asked, perfuma would braid it or something for her.

She could appreciate her rapid hair growth some days, perks of her species, but boy had it annoyed her when she was little.

She remembered her and Adora desperately trying to find ways to cut it. It was long, thick, and untameable.

During her time with the Horde, and... well the war, she'd let it loose most of the time and it felt good. It got longer than she liked, but never found it within herself to cut it.

And now she knew why, it was always something Adora had done for her.

"Morning," Adora grumbled, catching Catras attention through the noise of the falling water.

"Did you get your full 8 hours your highness?" Adora joked.

"Mmm, indeed. But no dreams, cowgirl."

Adora swung open the shower door, Catra hissed.

"Ah! It's so cold!"

"Cold? Girl it's like a sauna in here turn down the temperature so the toilet can breath. You're suffocating it."

"I'm sure the toilet will forgive me."

Catra remarked. Adora tried to turn it down but Catra swatted her hand away.

When Adora reached the second time Catra grabbed the showerhead, blasting her fully.clothed girlfriend with the steaming water.

"Oh, you have asked for it now!" Adora screeched, this time out maneuvering Catra and changing the temperature to Catra's definition of "as cold as it gets."

"Ahh!" Catra screeched, turning the temperature to a medium, and locking Adora in with her.


"My pajamas are soaked."

"Put on another pair." Catra told her.

Adora didn't say anything, instead she pit a hand on Catra's hip. Her fur was certainly wetter than Adoras clothes, and she had forgotten, she wasn't wearing anything.

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