What can I say?

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Takes place later that night

The rain had cleared up and naturally this entailed the end of Catra's cat-nap. She put her arms over her head and stretched, she wanted to dig her claws into the wall but because she was doing the whole "working on herself" thing for  Adora she decided not to. The sun peeked through the pink curtains- uggh, why is everything pink?- and Adora sat on the foot of the bed buttoning up her jacket.
"Well good morning," Adora said jokingly.
"What do you mean good morning? It's four in the afternoon."
"Well it feels like morning we practically slept the entire day."
"What can I say, we worked hard," Catra said, winking at Adora.
"Yeah well we may need to find somewhere else to work hard because I can't be around Glimmer's dad anymore so. You know what let's just move entirely." Catra slid toward Adora, who stood up to look in the mirror just as Catra reached the end of the bed.  Adora admires herslef and the style, she was new to the color blue and she couldn't tell if it was working for her or not. Catra flung her feet off the side and swung them as she leaned back in her elbows.
"Well Adora I can say you look good from this angle."
"Ha ha." Her girlfriend replied. "Tell me honestly is the blue okay?"
"Yeah Adora you look amazing. You always look amazing." Catra returned Adora's genuine smile before getting up herself and getting dressed. She went through the small wardrobe that was in the castle and found a white long sleeve polo and dark brown leggings.  "You know, I really can't wait to be enlightened on what happened with you, Micah and Glimmer in the hall, but at the same time I'm worried that I'm going to be secondhand embarrassed. ". Adora just laughed in response . Catra our on the polo, only to find out it was a little to big. Adora came over at stared at her in sympathy, but also with a mischievous gleam in her eye.
"Here," she said as she grabbed Catra and started to play with the shirt. Adora got a little to close to Catra's ass which sparked a series of remarks from Catra.
"Whoa there Adora, I know I was good but even I need a break sometimes." Soon after Adora was done and the toi large polo made a very nice tie- up crop top. The stripes on Catra's torso were see- able and Catra had to admit she dug the look. "Adora as much as I love these makeshift outfits, we really need to go shopping."
"Agreed, we'll go tomorrow on Swift Wind and pick up some things that are our size." Adora finished putting in an earring as she made for the door.
"Where are we going?" Catra asked as she ran to catch up to her.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I was told to meet the squad downstairs at 4:30 so that's what I'm going to do."
"Oh, am I invited?" Adora stopped and turned to Catra. She gripped her face and looked into Catra's mismatched eyes.
"Catra, you don't have to ask anymore. You. Are. Always. Invited. Now come on, we don't want to keep them waiting." Adora interlocked her hand with Catra's and they proceeded to foyè hand in hand.

First person to comment "except you're welcome" in regards to the title gets a gold star and my approval if that means anything to you.

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