Where is the Clitoris

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Adora was still illuminated. At night her room was never dark, the light had expanded from her eyes to her skin, casting a gentle blue glow around the room. She often forgot about it while asleep, only to be reminded of it the next morning in the mirror.

"Adora!" A voice called, causing her to groan. She had been exceptionally tired the last couple days, and even the slightest bit of movement tired her out.

"What?!" She hollered back, rolling off her bed, hitting the floor with a thud.

"I just wanted to say I brought you some soup, and some cheese balls, I didn't know what you felt like." Perfuma stood at the door, presenting a tray. Adora smiled, pulling herself up and mustering the strength to get it from her.

"Thanks Perfuma," Adora said. She took the tray to her vanity, sitting on the chair and breaking some crackers into it.

She was aware of Perfuma, still standing  in the doorway.

"You can come in," Adora said, "I wouldn't mind some company. Someone should make sure I don't fall asleep with my face in my soup." Perfuma smiled, dipping her head and moving to sit on Adora's bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Weird. I'm not sick anymore, which is great, but it's like my strength is gone. Ever since I became She Ra I've always felt... stronger. I had more energy, stamina. But all of that is gone, and it feels like it took all of my energy too."

"I'm sorry, it must be so hard." Perfuma said.

"Thanks, but I really don't want to talk about it. We haven't heard from them in days and now I couldn't help even if I wanted to."

"I get what you mean. Bow is my best friend, it really sucks not having him here. Whenever I have something to tell him I have to remind myself to save it for when he gets back."

"You can tell me," Adora suggested. Perfuma's eyes lit up, and she slid closer to where Adora was sitting.

"Well for starters, SeaHawk and Mermista got in this big fight before he left, right, and she got so mad that she hid in the lake all day. He had no idea where she was, so we set up 'clues' to her location, but it took him to the cells. She locked him in for two hours."

"What did he do?"

"He ate her croissant, her name was on it and everything." Adora chuckled.

"I mean that's just justice."

By worrying so much she was missing out on her life. These were her friends, and she started to realize she hadn't been very good to them lately.

"How are things with you and Scorpia?" She asked, putting her spoon down and retiring the soup. Perfuma shuffled uncomfortably so Adora moved to sit by her, using her body language to tell her it was okay.

"Its great, truly. I think we are ready to take things to the next level, or she is, and I am too but I'm just so scared."

"Of what?"

"Of me... I don't... I have never been with anyone that way before and I love her so much but the thought of exposing myself like that for the first time is scary." Adora furrowed her brows. She knew she would never truly understand the extent of Perfuma's fear, they had grown up on different walks of life. Perfuma was a Trans woman, and Adora couldn't share that experience with her, but she could share what she knew about women. Perfuma had never explicitly explained her sexuality, but she liked Scorpia, and that was enough for Adora to be able to help her.

"Scorpia is the best, remember that. She really loves you, Perfuma, and I know she'd do anything for you. If you're not ready, or you start and realize you aren't, tell her, she will understand. I'm not much help in some areas but if... the actual steps are what us scaring you, then I can help."


"Of course."

"Great. Can I ask some questions?"

"Go for it, no judgement."

Perfuma smiled, and Adora could tell she had thought about this a lot, so she prepared herself.

"Where is the clitoris?"

And there it is.

Adora felt herself blush and shuffle a bit, but she promised Perfuma she would answer any of her questions, so she did.

And after a while, she wasn't even thinking about the mission anymore.

Don't even act like yall didn't lose your mind over the title. There's no smut chapter


But for real, have a great night, and I hope you get that thing you've been wanting.

*gets girlfriend*

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