It Appears to be a gong

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Catra had begun to have her doubts about Melog's intentions.

She trusted her pet with her life, but the hallway she was being guided down was sinister and made her fur stand on end.

The others could feel it too, as an uncomfortable silence had fallen on their little group. She kept feeling like she would turn around and Shadoweaver would be floating there, telling her how awful she was.

Getting her in trouble for something she didn't even do.

"Maybe we can find a monster to kill it for us," Catra said, "it worked on Shadowweaver." She forced a grin, but realized her comment hadn't been received well.

"Have you come up with another plan yet?" Castaspella asked.

"No... I don't really know what else to do. Part of me is hoping Melog will know." Castaspella didn't offer any remark, but suprisingly Seahawk had something to pitch in.

"Catra, might I suggest we try sound, like a high pitched squeal, if we don't find an answer in the next few hours."

"What makes you say sound?" Catra asked.

"Well I notice while you were scratching the walls earlier the sludge seemed to move." Catra paused in her steps, turning around to face him.

"You didn't think to bring that up?"

"I didn't think anything of it at the time. After all, your claws against the stone make me shiver."

Catra face palmer, somehow sti falling subject to someone's stupidity.

He's not stupid, Catra. You didn't notice either.

Ugh, Brightmoon had made her soft.

She thought about strategy, how to make as high pitched a noise as possible in the time they had left. But before she knew it, they had entered another room.

This one was similar to the others, except it lacked the detailed carvings in the stone. In the center of the room sat am object, something she hadn't seen before.

"What is it?" She asked, running a palm over the edge. It felt metal, perhaps brass or copper. It was in good shape, shiny and pristine. She could see her reflection rather well in it, even making contact with her own eyes. It was held up by a wooden foundation, which had seen better days. The giant brass circle weight it down, and the top beam had sprung a few cracks

"It appears to be a gong," Castaspella said. "We used to have one in Mystacor years ago. You bash it for times of celebration or war." She explained.

"So it makes sound?" Catra clarified.

"Lots of it."

It felt to good to be true. A solution had found them, right when they had needed it.

Normally Catra would be suspicious, perhaps even blame Castaspella for attempting to trick her.

But she was ready to take the win, so she raised her hand to it.

"Dont hurt yourself," Seahawk warned, "do you want to use my sword?" Catra looked at him then back to the gong. She nodded, taking his cutlass. She raised it like a bat, but then fixed her positioning so she could hit it with the handle of the blade.

She counted to three in her head, picturing this moment as an equivalent to Adora's, "for the honor of Gravehull," or whatever it was that she said. Catra was certain it started with a G, but she always got so distracted looking at Adora when she transformed.

She loved Adora, but She-ra had some pretty nice thighs.

With a grin she brought the hilt to the gong, dropping the sword and covering her ears at the amount of noise it made.

When it was final silenced she looked around the room, grinning.

"Is that it?" Seahawk asked.

"I think so." Catra replied, satisfied with their work.

That was until she heard the sound of rock, as though it was being grinned down. She looked to the door, and sure enough, a large slab was moving down it, threatening to shut them in.

"Run!" Catra shouted. She dashed for the door, ignoring the pain in her lungs.  She  allowed her feet to slide on the concrete, falling onto her back.

She tilted her head to the side  narrowly missing her chin.  She grabbed the end of her tail as fast as she could, pulling it to the side and the door closed with a thud. She panted, smiling.

She made it. She stood up, brushing herself off, turning to face the others.

But they weren't there.

She was alone.


"What was that?" Bow asked at the sound of a bang, ricocheting off the walls of the temple.

"Hopefully their solution," Micah replied. Bow nodded, reassured with that idea.

But it was short-lived when a second thud sounded through the chamber.

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