The Birth of a new Princess

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Catra lay under Adora's arm, kissing her hand. Adora wasn't asleep, but her heart beat was relaxed. Catra was warm, both inside and out. The blankets on Adora's bed had never felt more comfortable than they did now. Days of sleeping on concrete floors could do that.

Her mind went through everything that had happened recently. She couldn't help but release her breath.

She could relax.

It was over.

At least for a while.

She held her hands up in the air and stared at her palms. It wasn't too long ago they had almost been garotted by a wire. Her own decision, but still.

The scars rose above the surface, and were sensitive to touch.

She wasn't expecting Adora to reach up and trace a finger along the largest one.

"I'm so sorry," Adora said.

"You shouldn't apologize. It wasn't your fault."

"I know. I'm just sorry it was something you had to go through alone."

"I wasn't entirely alone."

"Good. I'm glad."

"It would have been better if you were there, though."

Afora smiled, kissing Catra on the cheek.

"After the battle with Horde Prime... I thought is never see Mara again. I thought her time, and Lighthope, I thought it was over. But this runestone... I can't help but feel like it was something I was supposed to do. It could've helped us with the battle-"

"Or the war." Catra added.

Adora looked at her sympathetically.

"Or the war."

The door opened, and Melog pushed their way in, running to them. The creature placed itself between them, maximizing body heat.

"What does the runestone do?" Catra asked.

"Other than powering up magic and acting as a source of Princess power? No clue. Maybe that's it."

"But who's would it be?"

"Thats just it. I have no idea. I've thought it over a million times and every stone is accounted for."


"I'm guessing it's a new one. A stone that will represent the birth of a new princess."

"We should place it." Catra said, "just the two of us."

"The others will want to see."

"They can see it later. You said it yourself, this is something you were supposed to do. Maybe long ago. Let's get it done with."

Adora propped herself onto an elbow, one hand brushing Melog.

"Are you sure?"

"We can take Swiftwind." Catra confirmed.

"Guess we better get dressed then."

"Actually on second thought-"

"Haha, come on. This was your idea." Catra chuckled, taking the garment Adora tossed to her.

Finally an adventure, just the two of them.

"Where are we going?" Catra asked, gripping Adora's shoulders.

"You'll see," Adora called. The weather was windy today, they hadn't expected the ride to be so... cold. Catra wrapped her self close to Adora, and Adora considered turning into She-ra just to avoid the cold.

But their destination was not far, in fact, Swiftwind began the descent.

"Is this-"

"The Horde. Or what's left of it." Adora said.

"Why?" Catra asked.

"This place... it has caused destruction. But it was also our place, and a place deserving of rebirth. It's desolate now, but maybe with a bit of magic, it too can be restored."

Adora lifted the canister onto the ground. The Horde was still a wasteland. The grass was dead the sky was grey and sunken. The few trees still standing were dead and ashen. It wouldn't be long before they too, crumbled.

The wind whistled past her ears, she cast a glance back toward Catra who stood covering her arms.

Adora smiled, focusing her attention on the magic.

She did her best to replicate what Mara had done, focusing her energy, willing a runestone to appear.

"For the honor of Grayskull," she said. Her words were barely audible. Under the wind and the brewing storm they were lost, but it didn't matter.

She spoke with conviction, with passion and intention. The magic bent to her will, and with a crack of thunder the field ignited into flames.

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