Chapter Two

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"Gretchen, when you're finished, I want you to go buy a paper for me," Ms. Ferguson requested the next morning as Gretchen watered the plants.

Gretchen nodded in response, finishing her task quickly. Ms. Ferguson handed her a coin to pay for the paper, and Gretchen left the shop. She always enjoyed when Ms. Ferguson sent her to buy a newspaper. It gave her a chance to get some fresh air and take a familiar walk. She weaved her way through the crowds, smiling when she heard the familiar voice of the redheaded newsie who sold on the street corner just a few blocks from the shop. When she finally spotted him, Gretchen smiled even more. She had always enjoyed their interactions, even if they were short.

"Good morning," Gretchen greeted the newsie. He turned to her, mirroring her happy smile upon seeing her.

"Mornin'," he replied, giving her a polite nod. "Care for a pape?" He always asked her this, even though he knew she'd buy one.

"I would love one." She nodded, handing him the coin in exchange for a paper. "Thank you." She smiled appreciatively at him, then turned to go.

"Wait," the newsie called, causing Gretchen to stop and look at him again, an inquisitive look on her face. "Y'know, you always come and buy a pape from me, but for some reason, I never got your name."

Gretchen wasn't sure if she had much time for a conversation, but the hopeful look on his face caused her to decide that she could hurry back to the flower shop once they've finished talking. No harm done. "I'm Gretchen Richter," she introduced herself, sticking out her hand for the newsie to shake.

"Albert DaSilva," the newsie responded. "Pleasure to meet ya." Instead of shaking her hand, he brought it to his lips, placing a light kiss on her hand. Gretchen was too shocked to pull her hand from his. She slowly smiled. Albert certainly was charming, she had to admit.

"The pleasure is mine," Gretchen said finally. "Thank you for the newspaper, Albert, but I should be getting back to work, otherwise my boss will be upset with me for taking too long."

Albert chuckled lightly. "Maybe I'll see ya' tomorrow?"

Gretchen nodded. "Maybe so." With a smile, she turned and left Albert's spot, hurrying back to the flower shop before Ms. Ferguson could get angry with her for dawdling on work time.

~ * ~ * ~

After work, Gretchen walked quickly back to the small apartment where she lived with her family. She would normally be walking to the school to pick up her younger brothers, but she had spilled some potting soil on her skirt.

She pulled the door to the building open and stepped inside with a soft sigh. Hoping her mother wasn't home, Gretchen made her way up the stairs and eventually stopped at the door to the apartment. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Luckily, it seemed like her mother wasn't home. Just in case she was, however, Gretchen hurried to the small bedroom and picked out a different skirt. She changed quickly and went right back out the door, headed down the street to the school.

Gretchen arrived just in time. As she reached the building, the doors opened and young boys rushed out, chatting excitedly now that the school day had ended. She scanned the small crowd, trying to spot her brothers.

"Gretta!" The voice of her youngest brother caught the attention of Gretchen just before the young boy ran to stand next to her.

Gretchen smiled widely. "Henri! How was school?" Henri didn't get a chance to answer before Max, Gretchen's other brother, joined the two.

"Ready to go?" Max asked Gretchen excitedly.

"Yes, let's go." Gretchen took her younger brother's hand in her own, and the three of them walked off to the park to spend their afternoon, like they did weekly.

can I comment on my own chapter? like, I have so much commentary that I could be adding lol
anyway, here's chapter two! thanks for reading!!

Wish I Could Catch a Breeze // Albert DaSilvaWhere stories live. Discover now