Chapter Eight

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Gretchen walked quickly down the street, headed for Albert's spot. She didn't dare walk any slower for fear that she'd turn around.

How am I going to tell him? Gretchen asked herself. That was the question she had been asking since she left the apartment building. The long walk to his spot gave her plenty of time to come up with many scenarios of how the conversation would go. She'd tell him how she felt, and there were many ways he could react.

Best case scenario, Albert would be standing inches away from her. While Gretchen couldn't imagine the last time he bathed, the aroma of seawater and freshly baked baguettes lingered on his clothes. Gretchen wouldn't be nervous or afraid. For the first time in a long time, she felt safe. Chills would run down her back when Albert's fingers traced her arm. He would whisper in her ear with a shaky breath, not out of shame, but excitement, that he felt the same way. Their eyes would meet and for a split second, Gretchen would hear nothing but her heartbeat join with his, two stallions stampeding side by side, bounding through the waves of Gretchen's emotions. Joy, peace, amazement. Gretchen wouldn't be able to tell exactly what was going through her mind. A smile would bloom from Albert's face and Gretchen would follow suit. Pink warmth would flow to their cheeks like the softest sunset over the city. It would be just like the essential ending to every romance novel Gretchen had ever read. Golden hour would hit its peak, casting the perfect golden glow over the bustling city. The blurred lines of bustling people around them would slow. The strangers would applaud as Albert bends down and his lips gently grace hers. "Ah...young love," an elderly woman would sigh. Gretchen and Albert would leave his spot, hands tangled together with beautiful, romantic music playing in the background, as if they were in a play.

Worst case scenario, Albert's words would cut like a dagger to her heart. "What?" He would scoff at her before disclosing that the only reason he was her friend was to make sure she kept buying his papers. Tears would fill Gretchen's eyes like salty blood. He would say that he didn't even like being around her, that he felt an obligation to be with her after he saved her from the river. The sun would hide behind dark storm clouds, and rain would be pouring on Gretchen, Albert, and the few people ignoring them as they walked by. Maybe some would stop and laugh because of the fool Gretchen had made out of herself. Albert wouldn't wait for her response. His long legs would slide quickly past her, leaving Gretchen standing soaking wet in the cold rain, alone and ashamed, nothing but the halfwit who read too much into their friendship. But the cold rain would have nothing on Gretchen's heart. The stallion would yet be thundering but not in the way any girl wants. Her heart had led her to believe there could be something more than friendship. Her heart was wrong. She would put her hand to her chest and whisper, "Quiet you fool. Your lies will be the death of me."

Gretchen had been so caught up in her own imagination that she didn't notice someone barreling towards her until it was too late. She got practically run over by someone.

"I'm so sorry!" Gretchen apologized quickly, then she realized who had run into her. "Albert! Funny thing, I was actually coming to see-"

"No time to talk," Albert said, very out of breath. He grabbed her hand before continuing to run down the street with Gretchen in tow.

"What-" was all Gretchen could get out before being dragged along behind him. She ran as quickly as she could, but she couldn't keep up with his long strides. They ran down the street, twisting down back streets and alleyways. Gretchen tried to keep track of where they were and where he was taking her, but she gave up quickly. Albert kept looking behind him, past Gretchen, like someone was chasing him. Someone must have been, since she could hear shouts behind them every now and then.

"Albert! What is going on?" Gretchen finally asked.

Albert glanced back at her. "Hang on." He continued to pull her down streets, each one less populated and less familiar than the last. Finally, he turned one last corner, stopping in an alley completely shaded by the surrounding buildings.

It took Gretchen a few moments to catch her breath. "Who are you running from?"

"The Delanceys," Albert answered. Gretchen gave him a confused look. "They don' like me. Or any newsie, for that matter. They must'a found out I didn't pay for my papes this mornin'." Albert paused. "I don' usually pay, though."

"You steal them?" Gretchen asked, still confused.

"Yeah. Anyway, I-" Albert paused again, freezing when he heard voices coming towards them.

"Is that them?" Gretchen asked in a whisper, noting the fearful expression on Albert's face.

He nodded, nervously glancing at the street bordering the alley. He looked back at Gretchen, and she could see the gears turning in his head. Albert took her hand and quickly pulled her further into the shadows. "I'm sorry for this," he whispered before stepping close to her and kissing her softly.

Gretchen didn't have time to process what was happening before his lips were on hers. Even then, her mind couldn't seem to comprehend that he was kissing her. She faintly heard footsteps pass the alleyway. They didn't even give Gretchen and Albert a second glance, ignoring them and running past.

Once they were gone, Albert stepped back, leaving Gretchen with a stunned expression. "I-I'm so sorry, Gretchen. 'T was just the first thing that came to mind. An' I didn't wanna keep runnin'." He looked at her, afraid she'd be upset. When she didn't respond, he started to get concerned. "Gretchen?"

Finally, Gretchen was able to think over what had just happened. Albert had just kissed her. And he was calling her name. She looked up to meet his eyes, and instead of replying, she leaned in close and kissed him again, for real this time. She could feel a blush slowly covering her cheeks as she pulled away.

Albert seemed just as stunned as Gretchen was, but he smiled slowly. "Uh, we...we's should prob'ly get outta here." With that, he took Gretchen's hand and began walking towards her apartment.

They chatted quietly, until Albert just stopped in his tracks. "Gretchen, we kissed," he stated. Gretchen nodded slowly. "So," Albert continued, "I really like you. An' I was wonderin', w-would you maybe like to be my girl? For real?"

Gretchen blushed again and smiled widely. She nodded. "I would love to be your girl, Albert." Maybe her worst-case scenario fantasy was a bit outlandish. This was better than any scenario she could have imagined.

ok I love this chapter so much. huuuge shoutout to my roommate for helping me write those incredibly poetic paragraphs at the beginning of the chapter (I cannot write that beautifully on my own)
thanks for reading!!!

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