(Dio&Jonathan) days in the sun

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(spoilers for parts 1-3)

Description: Dio and Jonathan meet in the after life. 


Dio does not know where he is, or how he got here. His body feel strange and fuzzy, and the grass beneath his bare feet is soft and tender. It's some...hilly place, with some sparsely dotted trees and the oddly familiar sound of a large creek. Dio walks, without really knowing where he's going.

The creek comes into view, along with a dirt road that stretches into no where, and a tree. Beneath the tree... A picnic blanket. A large frame. Blue-black hair. Familiar. Dio speeds up. Air feels short in his lungs. Why is he so tired?

The blanket is littered with half-open archaeology books. Piles of notes. Pictures of people that string irritation in Dio at the very site of them. The person on the blanket turns around, looks at him, and freezes. His suspicions were correct. Jonathan's sapphire blue eyes glitter at him.


"Hi," Jonathan says, tone careful, so fucking careful. It's that horrible I look down on you and have everything I've ever wanted and you're just a street rat, and I don't really want you here, but I'm trying to be friendly even though you scare me tone that Dio has always hated so deeply. "...Dio?" Jonathan asks again, and Dio feels white with rage and fury and fear.

But Jonathan is dead. Dio killed him. He died. Why the fuck is—

Oh. He knows what this is. It's another one of those dreams. (Or another one of those delusions—god no. No it can't be a hallucination. He can't be back in the coffin. Everything after he was pulled from the sea is not a delusion. It is far to detailed and realistic.)

Right. When Dio studies is closer, this place doesn't seem quite real. Everything is bright, but he cannot find the sun, the landscape shifts along the edges, his body feels all strange. Okay. Alright. This is fine.

Dio stands straight besides the blanket and stubbornly does not look at Jonathan.


God can he just shut up?

"I know you can hear me. Look at me."

Dio glares at the sparkling clear water instead.

"I've been waiting a century for you to get here, you know. Gosh you're still so rude."

Dio twitches. He finally looks over, and regrets is almost immediately. There's a familiar irritation on Jonathan's face. But it is...light. Soothed with something soft and kind and he hates that. "Oh mister blueblood wants to call me rude huh, isn't that just typical? Especially when you stuff your face with the dignity of a pig at the trough."

"Somehow I expected you to grow out of childish insults by now," Jonathan sighs, looking genuinely disappointed.

Dio's skin crawls. He crosses his arms. "I won't be looked down upon by a fragment of my own consciousness."

A beat. Jonathan stares at him. "...Oh," he finally says, looking sad and awkward. "You haven't realized yet."

"What?" Asks Dio.

"Here," Jonathan says, clearing a space of books and gesturing him to sit. "I think you might want to sit for this. I have sandwiches and apples, would you like any?"

Patronizing. Dio scowls and stays put. "You're stupidly close to Jonathan."

"That's because I am Jonathan," Jonathan says, sounding dryly amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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