(Narancia-Centric)(HALLOWEEN) and in all good faith

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<Spoilers for pt.5 characters and a major plot point in pt.5>

Description: Narancia uses Halloween as a way to reinforce team bonds--Fugo as problems.

(HHHH i feel like I failed on this :<)


   Hell starts on the first of October, when Narancia's mind becomes infatuated with the fanciful tales of American Halloween—and every day is little more than a compilation of his whining voice begging for the permission to go trick or treating.

Giorno, between his many working hours as the new don, attempts to reason with the boy but it's to no avail. No one can persuade him. Buccellati tries his best, he really does...but...in response to Buccellati's reasoning 'it's terrible for your teeth, and you'll end up suck and nauseas by the end!' Narancia only laughs and grins and says his stance is far too strong for that.

Today it's another one of those afternoons, those rare ones where everyone is present and nobody is missing. It's one of those days where they can huddle around a small table and eat whatever junk they'd like, and no one says a single word about the indignity. (Bar Buccellati that insists they must about do carrot sticks to the selection of potato chips and pretzels and whatever other junk.)

For the first time, though, there's Fugo.

The very same Fugo who had previously abandoned them know the steps of Venice. Er....that's how some saw it anyways—Narancia doesn't really care. He knows Fugo did what he wanted to do; what he thought was right to do....and he doesn't protest. In fact, all Narancia really cares about is how the blonde is back now.

But despite how Narancia feels, the air still sparks with a tension of Fugo's own creation, and Narancia can't help but want to curl in on himself at the atmosphere.

So maybe it's because of a pressing need to break the atmosphere, or maybe it's the want for a bonding experience after so stupidly long, or maybe it's just the pure and simple fact that Narancia wants to, or maybe it's all of these—Narancia wouldn't really know--but he ends up opening his mouth and; "Can we go trick or treating? Please? Pretty pleaseeeee?"


In much the same way that Hell takes a toll of the soul...Narancia's whining wears down on the mind.

Victory comes in the form of a late October lounge meeting. It's another one with all of them. Abbacchio and Buccellati falling over themselves on a couch while Narancia spreads himself out on the other couch, legs resting on Mista's lap, and Giorno seats himself comfortably in a cushioned chair—Fugo has long since realized he prefers to hover on the side.

For Narancia, this is near unbearable. He hates the way the group has fractured and he hates how a Fugo sulks to the side, it makes him feel terrible in a way he can't quite describe. It feels like he's lost something.

It's about when Fugo serves him a coke (something the teen would never have done before, but guilt-ridden and with a messed up sense of valued, he does now—) and Narancia asks, for the umpteenth time that day, if they can go trick or treating—that the group finally caves.

With an unheard of level of shown emotion from the blonde, Giorno slams down the cup and says; "Yes! Fine! Narancia, you can go under key conditions!"

The dark haired boy grins a big, large, cat-that-ate-the-canary type of grin. "Yes!" With wide, open eyes, "What are the conditions? They don't matter to me!"

For a second, there's silence, as the group registers what had just been agreed to. It's a large defeat for them; at this point it had become a kind of psychological war. 'Don't give in to Narancia!' And now it had been failed.

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