(Dio&Giorno)(HALLOWEEN) Candy Schemes

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<spoilers for Dio and  Giorno's personality?>

Description: Modern au Dio and Giorno go trick or treating

(In the end, more people wanted Dio&Gio than the jjba villains--but I'd love to write more on the jjba villains in the future)


It's an enticing concept to the young Giorno.

Halloween is a whole night in which the streets light up with orange and yellow and discount spooky sounds. It's a night where you step outside and see parades of costumed people and, most importantly, people hand out free candy like it is worth less than dirt.

Exciting, exciting, exciting.

Trying to keep his face as impassive as possible—a hard task with the sheer amount of anticipation he's feeling—Giorno fiddles with the hem of his waistcoat. Both he and his father had decided to go as Vampires. Giorno had gone for the classic 'eighteenth century nobleman vampire' look. Typical; but to Giorno, this was all new. It would be his first time going trick or treating after all.

His classmates had been absolutely horrified when they found out he had never been trick or treating before. Narancia had made such a big fuss about it that the teacher—Giorno's favorite teacher, actually, a nice man by the name of Buccellati—had to come over and remind them they were supposed to be doing math. It was true; in all his ten years of life, Giorno had never gone trick or treating. That is about to change, though, Giorno thinks, feeling excitement course through him like adrenaline.

Right now, he's waiting by the large door of the even larger suburban house that they live in. 'They' being his father, himself, and their staff. At the moment, the young blonde is waiting for his farther to be done in the dressing room. Giorno wonders what kind of elaborate outfit could possibly be taking that long.

The boy taps his foot, tired of standing—it looks like he's picking up habits from his father. He...Giorno knows Dio isn't a good man to model after. Actually, he's sure of it. Dio isn't patient and his habits are bad—as one of Giorno's uncles, Jotaro, puts it; 'Dio's an asshole.'

A door swings open, Giorno perks, the sound of loud footsteps echo down the hall and—

"Dad," Giorno says.

"Yes," Dio cocks his head, blonde hair rustling, "son?"

"That..." he isn't quite sure how to phrase it, he shakes his head, disappointed, "that isn't how a vampire looks."

Dio wags a finger, yellow eyes narrowing, "No, Giorno, vampires aren't real. Henceforth, they look however I say they look," the older scrunches his nose, "I say you just aren't being creative enough."

"Dad," Giorno emphasizes, trying to decide if he's impressed or exasperated, "you're wearing a mustard yellow bodysuit with a dick cutout and lime green heart...pins? Never mind, not the point. Point is," and Giorno musters his very best look of disappointment—it isn't very hard, "that is not a vampire."

Very seriously, Dio crouches down and lowers himself to Giorno's level. "Now, Giorno, what's the first rule in this house?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Giorno answers; "Don't buy essential oils, be the one who sells them. Run a Pyramid scheme."

A pause, Dio's lips tighten, "No, that's the eighth rule."

The boy rolls his eyes, "I know that. Now let's go."

Dio frowns, "Don't hurry me, we leave when I say so."

Giorno nods, shrugging, "Sure."

The older blonde curls his lip, opening the door and stepping out into the crisp October air. Unexpectedly, he even holds the door open; a courtesy unknown to anyone but Giorno. There's a slight breeze that rustles the boy's golden curls as he exits the building. The door thunks shut behind him the moment he's out.

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