(GioMis) pirate and royalty au

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<spoilers for pt.5 character personalities>

Description: AU where Mista is a pirate and Giorno is a prince


There are pirates outside Giorno's room. There are pirates all over the ship. There are—

There are better ways to deal with this than worrying. This isn't the place for that. That's useless. The way he's breathing, the way his nails are digging into his palms, the fog of panic—it's all useless.

Shut up, Giorno thinks, uncurling his palms, it's useless to worry about this now. You're already here.

Useless things should be thrown aside This kind of feeling is useless. He throws it aside.

This kind of situation—it's inconvenient, and outside of his plans, and maybe a little hopeless, but Giorno is nothing if not cunning. This is a bit early, but he's been planning something like this all along, hasn't he? Fake his death, dress himself as a commoner, charm the Pirate Empress into being his ally, overthrow Dio and let him burn in the fire of revolution—

And sure, he was planning to go to the empress on his own terms, planning to go undercover. But if he can leave with these pirates then perhaps those extra steps are unnecessary.

Giorno breathes in, breathes out—old wood, something faintly like parchment, a touch of lavender. There are steps thudding down to his room.

His door opens quietly, slowly. The man steps in, peers around a bit, relaxes for a second, then—

"Hello," Giorno says, smiles lightly, and doesn't move. His hands are blistered and the oil lamplight is dull, but that does nothing to hide the fairness of his skin or the color of his hair.

"Ah shit," the pirate says, voice kind of graveled, hard black eyes fixing on Giorno. "I was really hoping it'd be empty."

Giorno nods in what he hopes looks like understanding. "Honestly, I'd rather not be here either."

The pirate laughs a bit. "I'd imagine." He pauses, shakes his head a bit. "God, I really don't feel like killing anyone else today. You happen to wanna just jump boat yourself?"

Giorno blinks once, twice. He's a bit too surprised to even be properly worried. "No ransom? Really?"

"Er," the pirate says, and squints. "Do you..? Well no. Not with most nobles, that's what you are, right? Scummy noble?"

Oh. That makes much more sense. Giorno shakes his head, feels genuinely amused, and sticks out his hand to show the ring on his finger. "My name is Giorno Brando," he says, and does not waver on the Brando. He's long since accepted the brand of a tyrant king. It will give him the ability to take down said tyrant, after all.

"Oh shit," says the pirate, and actually steps back, eyes darting around. "The illegitimate one?"

"The lucky crown prince," Giorno says, dryly. "Most of my father's sons are illegitimate till they're found."

"Err," says the pirate, looking all of a sudden quite awkward. The realization that this isn't going to be a simple affair is probably setting in, now. "I'm Mista?"

"Pleasure to meet you, Mista," Giorno says, and he actually kind of means it. "It would be lovely if you killed me here."

"What," Mista says.

"Pirates, ships," Giorno says, waving a hand, "you know how it is. Tragic incident, really. Those scoundrel pirates didn't even offer the crown prince for ransom!"

The pirate shifts a bit, looking awkward and unsure. "I'm, uh, not following."

"Well you're a pirate aren't you?" Giorno says, "and you're planning to steal away everything on this ship, yes? Then do that. Take everything away. Take me with you."

"What," Mista says, again, but harder this time.

"Properly pirate me," says Giorno. And there's a nervous thrum in his veins that says he hasn't quite managed to toss aside all his worry. This is still a gamble.

"There's a proper way to pirate?" Mista asks, then shakes his head. "I mean—how?"

"Well you'd know better than me," Giorno says, "of the two of us, you're the pirate."

"I don't know," Mista says, "I've never kidnapped anyone before. Trish doesn't do slave trade."

"Trish?" Giorno says, head spinning a bit. "You're on a first name basis with—? Never mind. There's a first time for everything, yes?"

"Well this is the first time a pretty guy has asked me to kidnap them," Mista says, then pauses. "Wait, not pretty! Handsome! Err—wait, no. Uh."

Huh, Giorno thinks. He doesn't usually get those comments from men. And especially not from bronze skinned black eyed men with cute curly hair. "Really?" He blurts, and isn't quite sure what's coming out of his mouth. "I'd think you'd get plenty of requests. Who wouldn't want to be taken by a man like you?"

"Uh," says Mista, and Giorno blinks.

Then he registers what he just said, and kind of wants to curl into a closet and never come out.

"Which is to say," Giorno continues, a bit hastily "that I'd really like to overthrow the king and getting kidnapped by pirates is a great way to meet the Pirate Empress! And support from that Trish would be a great aid!"

"Huh," Mista says.

Giorno digs his nails into his palm. "Is that a yes?"

"Overthrowing the tyrant king?" Mista asks, then starts to grin. "Y'know, that doesn't sound to bad. You're not that bad for a prince."

"Hey," Giorno says, and smiles back, "illegitimate, remember? I've got a good decade of street years on me."

"Even better," Mista says, gesturing him forward. "So—kidnapping, huh? I don't know how to do it proper, but we can do it the Mista way."

Giorno steps forward. "The Mista way?"

"Basically just princess carry," Mista says, and sweeps Giorno right off his feet. And that's—

well. It's quite nice, actually. Mista's arms are warm and strong, and Giorno is still nervous but not quite as much. Not in a dreading way, in more of a—hopeful way. This feels like hope.

Giorno holds on, wraps his arms around Mista's neck. "You carry all your kidnapees like this?"

"Only the pretty ones," Mista says, and winks, and Giorno—

Giorno laughs.


Y'know what I learned this week? I cannot do so much outlining without any actual writing. Nanowrimo outlining is fun, but damn! I must've outlined 40k of content so far without getting a single actual sentence down. I had to take a break to actually WRITE something lol.

Hnnn. Hope this was fun? I haven't written something this short in a while. The Giomis came out a bit subtly than I intended, but, well. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ as always, I enjoy feedback and constructive criticism is welcome! :)

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