(Fugio)is this gold? or

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<Spoilers for pt.5 character personalities>

Description: Modern au. Fugo and Giorno pay Dio a visit. Fugo has issues, per usual. Fugio. Released late for Fugio week day 8: free day.

P.S I'll return to my normal non ship content soon now, I just couldn't resist fugio week


Sheets like plastic, a loud fan that isn't working to cool the summer heat, shitty Chinese from last night-it's irritating. But it isn't the reason Fugo's irritated. No, he's irritated because Giorno received a phone call last night, and it's been weird ever since. Giorno is silent, but Fugo is perceptive, there's something wrong.

He hasn't asked, of course he hasn't asked, because he can't just ask. He has to be weird about it, because Giorno has weird boundaries and Fugo will respect them, even they're fuzzy.

There's a noise and the sound of a door sliding open and Fugo snaps his head over from his position on the bed. He half sits up. Giorno steps out of the shower, gold hair dripping over his shoulder, looking only half-relaxed-Fugo supposes that's an improvement from this morning. This morning, when Giorno had no makeup on, and dark circles, and tangled hair. And that'd be okay, because Giorno's always like that in the morning, but this time Giorno hadn't been smiling, or chuckling, or talking. And Fugo thought he'd say something-but hey, it's not really his business anyway.

"Day?" Fugo offers, because he has a million questions and that's the only one he's willing to voice.

Giorno looks at him for a long moment, dripping hair, heat flushed face, icy blue eyes, and he isn't smiling. Fugo shifts. "Terrible," Giorno finally clips.

Fugo nods, moves over to make Giorno room. "Oh," he says, instead of why.

Giorno gladly accepts the opening, slipping in below their cheap sheets and laying his towel wrapped hair on the pillow. A long moment, the clock on the wall ticks, Fugo holds his breath. Giorno wriggles closer-always Giorno. It's not that Fugo doesn't like the closeness, but he never knows how. He doesn't know how close or how far and he's never been one to take voluntary risks.

(He doesn't know much about the Giorno of before they met, but he knows that there's something in there that makes him flinch at sudden movements, curl away from unwanted touch, Fugo never knows when it's unwanted. He never asks.) Instead, he feels Giorno's warmth by his side, and waits.

"Hey Fugo," Giorno finally says.


A pause, there's only unnecessarily loud sound of their shitty fan doing a shitty job cooling the summer heat. Fugo shifts, Giorno isn't facing him. "...My father wants to see us."

And whatever Fugo expected him to say it hadn't been that. "Oh," he breathes, knowing little more than vague mutterings about Giorno's family. And he has a lot of questions, but he supposes this is the most pressing, probably. "Are we going?"

"Yeah," Giorno says, then adds: "If you're comfortable."

"Um," Fugo blinks. No, no he isn't comfortable. "I'm fine with going, uhm." A pause. "I thought you hated him?"

Stony silence, Fugo shouldn't have said that. He knows Giorno hates talking about anything to do with his family, and he knows there are tensions there. From what he can pick up, Giorno's familial situation is stupidly complicated.

"You don't have to answer."

"I'm fine," snaps Giorno. A moment, then, "He...my father, Dio, he's a little troublesome to be around."

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