(Jotaro&Giorno)stuck in the middle with you

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<major spoilers for part 5 character deaths, minor spoilers for Jolyne's existence and some part 6 Jotaro characterization>

Description: "We're going to Egypt," Jotaro eventually says, words a little stilted. Tone flat and uncompromising.

"...Egypt," Giorno says, slowly, carefully. Perhaps it's a joke. He has, after all, only known Jotaro for fifty seconds. "I'm not entirely clear on your meaning."

"You," Jotaro repeats, "and me. We are going to Egypt."

OR: Jotaro and Giorno go on a trip to Egypt


Who the hell, Giorno wonders, was on security.

There's a man in the doorway—large and tall and standing with quiet confidence. He's wearing a long trench coat that only exaggerates his presence. When he steps onto the marble of Giorno's office floor the clicks of his shoes echo faintly.

He was not invited.

From the couch Mista is all hard edges, sharp eyes and hand on the metal of his gun. Fugo's fingers are white on the barrel of his pen. He looks tight-strung, eyes glued to the man in the door. They were all caught off guard. There are no visitors today.

Giorno breathes in, breathes out, stretches out the sense of his stand. There are blobs of life energy down the hall, at the door, at the foot of the stairs. Their auras are weak but no flickering, not in any danger. Okay. Alright.

So the man in front of him has the ability to knock out his whole elite guard. Good to know.

Smiling a bit, Giorno tilts his head polity and pushes aside a stack of paperwork. "Is there something you wish to see me about on a fine afternoon like this, Signore...?"

Fugo shifts behind him, leans down a little. "Dottore Jotaro Kujo, Ivy League graduate and certified Marine Biologist. Frequent contractor of the Speedwagon Foundation."

Giorno stiffens. The Speedwagon Foundation? That organization? They've been poking around Italy a lot ever since Giorno's takeover, but for them to come like this?

Jotaro sighs a little, sound barely audible over the distance between them. The shadows shift on his face to show hard eyes the color of sea-glass and pitch-black hair. "Giorno Giovanna," Jotaro says, voice edged with something strange. Melancholy, maybe? Hate? But neither of those seem quite right.

His skin pricks. "Yes, that's me."

A beat.

"We're going to Egypt," Jotaro eventually says, words a little stilted. Tone flat and uncompromising.

"...Egypt," Giorno says, slowly, carefully. Perhaps it's a joke. He has, after all, only known Jotaro for fifty seconds. "I'm not entirely clear on your meaning."

"You," Jotaro repeats, "and me. We are going to Egypt."

Which really doesn't make sense. But apparently Giorno did hear right. He opens his mouth, closes it, purses his lips and straightens his back. He kind of wants to stand up, but he knows better ways to display power than that.

"That's certainly an interesting proposal," Giorno says, lilting his voice to sound a bit incredulous. "Is there something important in Egypt?"

Jotaro sighs again. He's hard to read—stony face, stiff posture, flat tones. "You have a star on your shoulder," he says, like it's an explanation.

The star on Giorno's shoulder pricks uncomfortably. It isn't something he shows often, it isn't something the public has ever seen. "I do."

The air is thick and heavy, lead in his lungs. His clothes itch on his skin.

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