(CHRISTMAS)(Giorno-centric)We'll be warm

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<spoilers for pt.5 character personalities>

Description- Strange as it sounds, Giorno has never really liked Christmas. He has nothing against the holiday, exactly. But, until now, he's had no good memories of it.


   Strange as it sounds, Giorno has never really liked Christmas. He has nothing against the holiday, exactly. But, until now, he's had no good memories of it.

Until now. Bruno's small home fills with the delicious scent of baking dinner. Giorno can hear chatter and clamor and absolute chaos from the other room. 'No, FUCK, Narancia that's BREAKABLE!' beside him, Bruno chuckles. He glances to the door behind him. Through the opening, Giorno can just barely see an over-sized tree gleaming and shining. "Be careful with the ornaments!" Bruno calls.

"Don't worry!" Calls another voice, Abbacchio. His head peeks through the door. "Nothing broke this time."

Bruno smiles. Giorno shifts, feeling warm. When Abbacchio has left, he says; "We should turn the heat down."

The older man's eyes tinkle. "It's the holiday spirit. Just take off a sweater."

Giorno nods. He's always had cold Christmases. In Japan, Christmas is a romantic Holiday. His mother never cared for culture, but she had always kept that bit. Giorno looks at the spread of gingerbread dough on the tray in front of him.

Bruno hands him a cookie cutter; it's a smiley face. Giorno blinks. It seems childish. He doesn't say anything. He lets Bruno talk to him about recipes and traditions and all the ways they've had Christmas before. It's strange and unfamiliar and Giorno lets Bruno guide him through all the steps he needs to know.

They open the oven and shove in the two trays of gingerbread beside the baking roasts. It's a bit of a tight fit. They didn't need to get two roasts, but when Bruno had found out that Giorno is trying to be vegetarian he had insisted on getting a faux-meat roast as well. It's all been too much for Giorno. Bruno had held his hand and told him that they weren't just going to ignore his diet. And to Giorno it had all felt so excessive.

They didn't need to go so out of their way. Giorno doesn't mention it, but he thinks that if Trish and Bruno hadn't been guiding him this entire time, he'd be lost.

"Giorno? Will you check the gingerbread?"

Giorno nods, "Of course."

He opens the oven, a wave of heat and smells assault his senses. His face burns. Narancia shrieks from the other room. He blinks looking at the brown shapes. "Hey..."he mouth feels dry. "How do I know when they're done?"

Bruno peers over. "They're fine really. Just take them out now."

When Giorno goes into the other room with freshly baked and delicious smelling gingerbread, the others descend on him like rabid wolves. Specifically Narancia and Mista. It's all rather overwhelming. Narancia burns his tongue in the rush to eat them as quickly as possible, Mista takes notes form him and waits for a minute until they've been properly set down and let cool. Mista burns his tongue anyway, if not as bad.

"This sucks," whines Narancia. "I haven't even eaten dinner yet!"

Fugo clicks his tongue. "I told you. And it's not like you can't taste anymore. Stop being melodramatic."

Narancia's face crumples up. "That's mean." He turns towards Giorno. "Fugo's being meannnn! Save me. Fugo listens to you. Tell him he's wrong!"

"Uh," says Giorno. "I think you're both in the right...?"

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