(Giomis) is it just the blood loss?

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<minor spoilers for pt.5 character personalities>


(supervillain/hero/power AU)

"I don't enjoy hurting civilians," Gold Experience says, faint distaste on his face, and oh. Oh no. He might actually be a good person. Mista is dead, he will die, this will kill him, he's toast.

"Right," Mista says, clearing his throat and absolutely not stealing glances at the supervillain who is maybe a good person and definitely very pretty and very deadly. "Yeah. Alright. What's the plan?"


   This is terrible. This is without a doubt the worst thing that's ever happened in his life. He's never ever going to complain about shitty coffee again, he's going to feed all the stray cats, he's going to pray three times a day and avoid the number four completely and forever. He's—

"I'm going to leave you behind," the supervillain states, face an unnatural kind of calm, he tugs on Mista's wrist.

Mista lets out a very manly squeak, immediately picking up the pace, trying not to stumble over the bits of rubble and cords of vine. Adrenaline courses white and hot through his veins, pulses beneath his skin, and he doesn't know if it's from the fact that he's so close Gold Experience—literally one of the biggest supervillains in the entire continent—or the fact that they're both in the middle of battling a member of La Squadra, one of the most dangerous villain organizations.

Also, Gold Experience is pretty, like really pretty, like—

The blonde throws them around a corner, flattens them against a wall of concrete.

"Focus, Sex Pistols!" Gold Experience glares. It's very intimidating. "Your powers match better against White Album's than mine—I'll work to give you an opening, but my growth is freezing over."

And—yeah, of course, right. Mista needs to focus. Just because Gold Experience is very pretty and very deadly doesn't mean anything. They're still enemies. Mista is still a hero and Gold Experience is still a supervillain, and still technically holding Mista captive...or something. (Kidnapping? The blonde had kind of just snatched him up and ordered Mista to help him.)

"Um," Mista says, "yeah, focused. Very. So—"

The supervillain suddenly lunges, crashing them both onto the concrete. Mista squawks. A spike of ice breaks through the wall they had been hiding behind. The floors bursts into a field of wood and leaves, carrying him and Gold Experience up with the canopy. Which doesn't seem stable like, at all. Mista hesitantly peeks down and—oh that's high.

"Follow me," Gold Experience tells him, it isn't a request. A ladder of vines attach themselves from the unstable tree to the side of a skyscraper, and the blonde doesn't even hesitate to grab them and swing himself straight through one of the skyscraper's windows. The glass shatters, splinters like a cracker, and Mista tries not to think twice about following.

He lands with a dull thump, vision momentarily swirling. When the colors settle, he's landed in a dull-looking office room. A terrified looking civilian woman is staring at them, growing steadily paler. Gold Experience's face twists from it's blank mask to something vaguely resembling distaste.

"Leave," he tells the woman, "run. Didn't you hear the evacuation order?"

The civilian doesn't have to be told twice. She scrambles out in a heartbeat. After she's gone, Gold Experience closes his eyes, takes a breath, opens them. His green eyes—like emeralds, glittering, bright, sharp and dangerous oh gods—burn into Mista's.

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