(Josuke-centric)Apple Shampoo

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<Major implied spoilers for the end of pt.6, minor spoilers for pt.4 character personalities>

Description: Josuke does not think it should be possible to have been homesick for a town he has only just met.

(Ireneverse, Josuke was raised by Joseph. Now he's visiting Morioh for the first time since he was a toddler. It digs up memories.)

///named after Apple Shampoo by nelward



Josuke does not think it should be possible to have been homesick for a town he has only just met.

The opening plaza from the Morioh Train Station is lined with benches and greenery and the beginnings of a tourist district. In the center of this plaza lies a fountain; its water reflects baby blue off the sky. When Josuke first sees this pastel picture from his place on the Morioh station steps, he has a distinct feeling that he's returning.

That's when the headaches begin; pounding in his skull, stabbing knives in his temple. It's abrupt, then it fades to an ache. Josuke shakes his head, of course he's returning. Although he had never spent long in Morioh—having left when he was a toddler—he is, in some sense, returning.

The trees are large and lush; skinny trunks and large bushy heads that wave in the breeze, greeting him. Josuke half contemplates waving back as he waits at the Taxi Station. He already phoned for his ride, they should be here in a matter of minutes. In the meantime, Josuke watches.

His head aches.

"Joestar Josuke!" The teen in question startles, it takes him a moment to remember that in Japan it's last name first. He hurries over.

"That's me!" Josuke says, swinging himself into the cab.

The driver nods, "Morioh Grand Hotel, you said?"

"Yeah," Josuke answers, settling himself into the seat.

Conversation ends there. Josuke is content to watch the scenery pass outside his window. Morioh is remarkably green, shrubbery and trees line every street. As they exit the metro buildings quickly decline from small to smaller—it is more residential now. Morioh seems to be crafted of houses nestled neatly into square lawns. Josuke watches them whisk by and there's a sense of familiarity in it.

He can't shake the feeling that he's seen these buildings before, walked down these roads, he knows the outline of the street before he sees it.

The phone in Josuke's pocket rings. Click, "Josuke?"


"Ah..." the connection breaks, static, "My plane has a delay...I'll probably only arrive this evening."

"Oh," Josuke blinks, he had been expecting Jotaro to already be waiting. Jotaro knows the town better than him after all. It had been him who had convinced Josuke's mother to move out of Japan and into America. "I'll...see you then."


The call leaves there. He tries not to think of Jotaro as flakey, the man has been steadily improving over the course that Josuke has known him. It's not fair, plus, this time it isn't even Jotaro's fault.

Still, if Jotaro isn't waiting on him, he needs to change his plans. He could wait at the Morioh Hotel until evening...but that would be unbearably boring. Jotaro won't be happy, but Josuke has an entire city to explore. The older can guide him tomorrow, but today is his. Teen spirit, right?

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