(Giorno-centric) Top of the World

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<Implied spoilers for stone ocean end, stone ocean character personalities, part 5 character personalities>

Description: Giorno Giovanna runs for united states president in a 2020 au where covid doens't exist! 

Note: since it's in 2020, there are social media aspects. and unfortunately the formatting didn't translate that well from the program I was already using. :(


It starts in 2016.

Four Years since the world almost ended, and things are doing...better. The initial frenzy has mostly died out. Made in Heaven and Bohemian Rhapsody still have no widely accepted explanation, but the UN has called it a global hallucination until further investigation. The world is crawling itself out of global panic and financial ruin.

And Giorno—

"Hey we aren't open yet—" the door opens, slams shut, then, "Giorno?"

He laughs a little and turns around to face the entrance. Lifts up his sun glasses. "Apologies for not coming and visiting earlier."

Jolyne laughs delightedly, dropping her grocery bags on the wooden planked floor. "Fuck yeah! Dude you took forever! I almost thought you'd miss it!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he answers, honestly. Setting his coffee aside and standing up. He kisses her once on each cheek and accepts her hug without any protest or any flinching, and takes only a moment to appreciate the fact that he can subject himself to such physical affection without any fear. "What kind of uncle would I be if I missed you wedding?"

Jolyne laughs and squeezes him a bit harder, before breaking the hug and stepping back. Her eyes are crinkled at the edges, and there's the beginning of smile lines on her cheeks, and it's such a stark difference from when Giorno first met her that it's hard to believe it's only been four years.

"Terrible that's what," Jolyne says, and her eyes flick briefly to Giorno's table with his burger and fries and coffee. "Damn. BABE, HE CAME AND YOU DIDN'T CALL ME!?"

Hermes pokes out of the kitchen. "To be fair," she says, "it would have ruined the surprise. Also did you know? He can chug."

Jolyne snaps her head back to Giorno. She purses her lips, "Chug? Like, how much we talk'in."

"Three cup of coffee in two minutes," Giorno says, and Jolyne looks at Hermes, and Hermes nods, and Jolyne looks a little sick and—fair. Giorno also feels a little sick. And kind of jittery. "It isn't my best idea."

"Jesus," Jolyne says, but she sounds kind of impressed. "Hermes remind me to keep the coffee away from Emporio."

"I'm already fifteen," Emporio says, and sticks his head out of the kitchen. "Also Mom we're opening in thirty minutes. Where's the spinach?"

Giorno hums and eyes the bags. Gold Experience flicks out of his skin for just a moment, and the bags of spinach turn into snakes and slither over to the kitchen. They turn back to spinach.

"Giorno what the fuck," Jolyne says.

Hermes squints. "Is that sanitary? Are we selling our customers snake-spinach? Snake spinach enchilada?"

"Perfectly sanitary," Giorno assures, and Jolyne pauses a moment before shrugging. She sits down.

Jolyne steals Giorno's coffee. "So, uh. How's it been going? Mafia fine..?"

"Not the mafia anymore," Giorno says, and Jolyne gives him a look. "Not technically. Trying to merge ourselves with the government, you see? Protection costs have just become normal taxes."

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