Matthew's pov:
"Hey Laura do you want some?" Taylor grinned and picked up the bowl, I knew what he was trying to do-
"No thank you, coffee is a morning thing." She smiled back and I slapped Taylor's leg trying to warn him,
"Oh I'm sorry do you want some-" Before I said anything, he had spun around so quickly he spilled half the bowl on my lap.
I looked at the big stain on my pants when all of a sudden Laura grabbed my arm making me stand up and we walked towards the bathroom.
"That was smooth. Does it burn?" Laura and I walked into the woman's room and she locked the door- then pulled me towards the sink.
"Just a little." I lied of course, it hurt like a bitch. She turned around and grabbed a cloth from the basket full of soaps.
"Take off your pants." She walked into a stall and unrolled some toilet paper to put in the flange, filling the sink up with water. I stared at my pants- "What are you waiting for?" She put a bar of soap under the running water and bubbles filled the sink.
"Are you sure?" I felt very weird but oddly turned on,
"If you want that stain out, take em off. I won't look Matt." She started laughing and turned the water off.
"Fine." I slowly took off my pants and handed them to Laura.
"You might need these." She handed me my phone and wallet not breaking eye contact.
"Oh yeah." I took them, then put them down on the granite counter top. It was a minute of silence as Laura washed the crotch of my pants. "So- how was your food?" I blurted out, not knowing what to say.
"It was really good actually especially Jack's coleslaw. How was yours?" She kept scrubbing.
"It was good. Thankfully my fries weren't burnt." She took her hands out of the sink and looked up at me.
"Matt, you're so cute." Her eyes looked directly into mine and she had such a tender smile.
"So are you-" Then I leaned in grabbing her neck bringing her face towards mine. She leaned in too- but kissed my cheek instead.
"Matthew I love our friendship please don't ruin it." She kissed me again then turned back towards the sink. I leaned back and slammed my hand against the wall. "Matt!" Laura grabbed my hands then put her arms around me. "Please." I felt her thigh touch my boxers.
"I'm sorry Laura, I didn't mean to." I held onto her and felt her head rest on my shoulder. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. After a few minutes she let go.
"I just need to dry them, and the stain of the Luna River should be gone. I can't promise anything though." I let go and she took my pants out of the sink, wringing them out, then walked towards the dryer and turned it on.
"Thank you Laura. Please don't tell Jack I don't want him to kill me." I drained the soapy sink and dried my hands.
"I won't." She kept looking at my pants and watched the water dry.
I wiped the rest of the water on my leg and she glanced over at me. "What?" I asked softly knowing that she would look eventually.
"Oh, I thought I had to sneeze." She scrunched her nose and turned away. I saw her cheeks turn pink then someone knocked on the door.
"Hey you guys good in there?" Jack called through,
"Yeah, just drying up. We'll be out in a few minutes." Laura turned off the dryer and held up my pants. "Good as new, what do you think?" She turned them towards me.
"Looks like nothing happened. Thank you Laura." She handed me my pants then sat on the counter, crossing her legs.
"How long have you liked me?" My heart stopped.
"A while." I looked down and pulled them up, not buckling them.
"Was it when you were face timing Shawn when I was half naked?" Her legs started to slowly sway. "Because after that, I started getting flowers and it was the only thing that made sense."
"Yeah it was. I don't know what happened, it's just that when I saw your face I fell in love I guess." She hopped off the counter and approached me.
"I thought it was very sweet. Thank you." She glided her hands down my body and pulled up my zipper. "Let's go." Laura unlocked the door while I grabbed my phone and wallet. We walked towards the table and everyone clapped.
"Matt's stain free." Carter stood up with a loud applause, drawing attention from other tables.
"Nice job Laura." Cam stood up and clapped along. Then everyone else did the same.
"Aha thanks I guess." She sat down next to Jack and I sat down beside Taylor.
"Sorry about that dude, it was an accident." I glanced over at him,
"Shit happens." He awkwardly smiled then looked away.
"Well, everyone is done and ready to go?" Bart received a bunch of nods so he called over to Sammy- "Bill please." Everyone pulled out their wallet. "It's on me." Bart told the group.
"But it's like over two hundred dollars, are you nuts?" Nash called out.
"I'm paying for myself. It's too expensive." Cameron reacted.
"Us too." Laura called out- speaking for her, Jack and Shawn.
"So are we." Then Bart started to laugh,
"Okay fine, I'll buy you all burgers tomorrow then."
"That'll work." Aaron laughed too.
Sammy came back with a bunch of bills. "You guys can figure it out." He walked back towards the front door and sat a couple down at a booth near the window. Bart then called out the orders and we took our receipts.
"Are we leaving him a tip or..." Nash whispered to the table.
"One dollar each?" Carter shrugged.
"Sounds good." We all nodded then put our money in the middle of the table.
"Let's get back to the hotel." Aaron stood up, followed by the rest of us and we walked out. As we were getting into the limo Laura freaked out.
"I left my purse at the table, I'll be back in a sec." She crawled out of the car and ran inside. When she got up, I noticed she wasn't wearing underwear. I closed my eyes really quickly and took deep breaths.
"You okay man? Johnson tapped my shoulder.
"Yeah I thought I had to sneeze. I'm fine." He nodded then looked towards Gilinsky.
It had been over five minutes when Laura finally got back and sat across from me near the door.
"What took you so long?" Jack asked,
"I had to go to the restroom, sorry."
"To put your panties back on." I muttered just so only she could hear me, and her eyes opened wide. She slowly pulled her skirt down and glanced over at Jack while I looked out the window, then Bart drove away.

Broken Waves
RomantikLaura Mendes is going on tour with her brother Shawn and the guys and let's just say that it isn't the trip that she packed for.