Taylor's pov:
"Taylor needs to leave." My stomach went empty, so I unplugged the tub and got out,
"Okay." Laura's voice was clear. I opened the door, towel around my hips, to be greeted by Laura, Gilinsky and Bart.
"Shit. Um, I can explain." I walked over to Bart- to have him put his hand up in front of him
"Taylor you messed up in Texas, you're not doing it again. You're staying with Shawn okay?" Bart stared me down.
"Fine." I zipped up my suitcase, and walked out of the room.
"Thank you Bart." I turned around to see Laura give Bart a hug and they continued talking.
Shawn opened the door with a smile- then dropped it. "Dude, where have you been?" He opened the door and let me in.
"Somehow Jack managed to keep me asleep and get everyone on the plane without me." Johnson looked up at me from the bed, wearing a robe and some weird looking stuff on his face, where he was playing cards with Aaron. "Not you Johnson."
"I know." He put his cards down and got up, "Taylor. I have known Jack since kindergarten and he has never done anything like that. That doesn't sound like him." He took a deep breath, "It's most likely you didn't have an alarm and just slept in." Everyone was staring at me with the exact same face.
"Jack hates me- he would've done anything to keep me away from Laura." I stopped to think for a second. I've known Jack to be caring and helpful, not possessive. "I guess he didn't. But why didn't any of you notice I wasn't there?"
They all shrugged, "It was early, we were probably still half asleep and just relied on the role call." Aaron spoke up.
"That's true, anyways, Taylor you can sleep on the couch. It's a fold out." I smiled and walked over to the couch, placing my suitcase on top of the cushions.
"Since I'm still in a towel, I might as well finish my shower if you don't mind." I asked looking at the three guys shrugging their shoulders,
"Go ahead."
Laura's pov:
After I finished getting dressed, I put on some mascara and light red lip stain. I think Jack needs a shirt I thought to myself, so I walked over to his suitcase and grabbed a blue tank top. Letting out a deep breath, I grabbed my phone and walked out into the hall to see Jack walk out of Shawn's room giving me a big smile.
"I don't want you half naked outside." I let out a small laugh and gave him his tank.
"I don't either, thank you." He gave me a hug, which was warm, then put it on.
"Come on Laura, we're getting burgers." I hadn't even realized Matt standing there, "I'll pay for you." he had his wallet in his hand, and a little smile on his face.
"No, that's okay. Shawn will pay for me." I saw Shawn turn around, "What?" I smiled and ran towards him, jumping into his arms. I squeezed him and kissed his cheek leaving a faint kiss on his cheek.
"To the burgers." I yelled pointing towards the elevator when Shawn put his arm around my shoulder.
We all crammed into the elevator and got down to the lobby in no time and walked out to the palm trees and beautiful sky. I looked up and twirled around on the sidewalk then felt hands on my waist. I looked down to see Matthew, he startled me.
"I didn't want you to fall." He smiled then slowly let go after gliding his hands down my body.
"Thanks Matt, does anyone know a burger place around here?" I looked at all the other guys on the sidewalk.

Broken Waves
RomanceLaura Mendes is going on tour with her brother Shawn and the guys and let's just say that it isn't the trip that she packed for.