Gilinsky's pov:
"Laura wait-" She was gone. I laid in Shawn's bed staring at the ceiling and feeling the pain all over my face was over whelming so I got up and went to the bathroom, thankfully finding a bottle of aspirin and I took two. I looked up in the mirror and I saw my face, it was every shade of black and purple. I noticed Laura's makeup bag on the counter, maybe Shawn had brought it after I fell asleep, I opened it up and found mascara and some other weird products but I found this liquidy stuff called "concealer" and it was a bit lighter than my skin but it'll do. There was no way this was going to help with my face I think it made it worse, whatever. I made sure it looked 'blended' into my face and I went after Laura assuming that she went back to our room to get dressed.
I pulled the key out of my pocket to open the door-
"Holy shit Jack. I can explain." Laura looked horrified, then out of nowhere Taylor starts kissing her and puts his hand up her shirt- I've had enough of this shit.
Taylor was now lying on the ground, with a bloody-ass nose when I looked down at my fist which was also bleeding, and I guess Laura noticed because she grabbed me and took me to the washroom and started to fill up the sink with water. She put her hand on top of mine, then went back out to Taylor,
"How many fingers am I holding up you asshole?" I couldn't help but smile, Laura came back right away, and turned the water off getting this long bandage out of the first aid kit from underneath the sink, laying it down on the counter as she inspected my hand. She looked up into my eyes, and I saw tears in hers.
"I'm sorry Laura. It's just that I care for you and he's fucking it up trying to make me look like the bad guy when really-" She grabbed my neck and brought my face close to hers and our lips connected.
"I choose you Jack Gilinsky." She mumbled between breaths. "I love you." She stopped and still held onto my neck as she looked at me and replied, "I love you too." she smile and I smiled back and she kissed me one last time before she wrapped my hand up, and drained the blood filled sink.
Taylor's pov:
I lay there bleeding as Laura was helping Gilinsky with his poor little hand, what a weakling, he thinks that he can just come in here and punch me? I don't fucking think so, I'm getting Laura back and I will do anything. There is a good chance that they're dating now, fuck, but I could get one of the guys to help sabotage them... I got it-
"Hey Gilinsky," I got up off the floor, "that was a pretty good punch-" I stopped and looked in the bathroom, Laura was on the counter with her legs wrapped around his hips and arms around his neck along with Jack having his hands around her waist. They're foreheads against one another, and I just lost it. The hotel door slammed so hard behind me I felt the slam.
No one answered, and I remembered that they were still downstairs and that's where I went. The elevator door opened and Shawn was just about to walk out when he saw me and laughed.
"You got a little somethin' on your face Taylor." He pointed at the dry blood from my nose,
"Your sister deserves better than him and you know it." I looked him dead in the eye and he walked out of the elevator,
"When you say better, are you referring to yourself Taylor? Because I seem to remember Laura crying in the hallway with a bruised face, and I'm positive that it was you who did it. So, Taylor, stay the fuck away from my sister unless you plan on treating her better than you have in the past six hours." He pushed me against the wall hard enough that my head whammed against it and he walked into his room. I got into the elevator and went down into the lobby where I found Matt and Nash and they laughed at my face.
"Dude, you need to leave her alone holy shit." Nash gave me a Kleenex from the front counter and I wiped away the blood as best I could.
"If anyone deserves her, it's me." Matt confronted, "She is so beautiful and after the way you two treated her, I think she needs a friend." Matt was just about to get into the elevator when Laura walked out.
"Hey Laura, I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming later tonight, since we leave early tomorrow and-"
"I'd love to Matthew, text me?" She smiled at him and he nodded. "Nice face Taylor." She smirked and was just about to walk out the front door-
"Laura I am so sorry about how I've been acting lately, and I deserve every punch, every slap and everything you want to do." I stood and held my hands out expecting her to run and punch me but she turned around and slowly started walking toward me,
"You punched me, you bit me and lets not forget you sexually abusing me too, treating me like your little bitch. You will never get me, so just give the fuck up and let me be. Thank you for understanding." She grinned and walked away. I saw Nash and Matt look at me with the same terrified face,
"What the were you thinking you fucking dumb ass." Nash punched me in the arm and walked away,
"You stupid fuck, I thought you liked her. I'm pretty sure if you did, none of that would've happened and you would have just let her and Jack be friends and your arm would be around her shoulder right now. Of course you felt attacked by Jack so of course you had to be better right?" He also stormed off.
"What the fuck have I done?" I asked myself, as I walked out into the heat to go to the nearest bar.

Broken Waves
عاطفيةLaura Mendes is going on tour with her brother Shawn and the guys and let's just say that it isn't the trip that she packed for.