I haven't slept all night, I just kept thinking about travelling around North America with a bunch of guys that I don't even know. Are they hot? Because if they are I'm going to be in a lot of trouble, it's going to be so weird going out with my brother's friends you know? I feel like Shawn might get mad if I do in case his friend and I break up and things are never the same between them two- I think it'll be a good idea if I keep to myself but not too myself that they think I'm weird... Girl problems.
"Come on Laura, Shawn is already in the car!" My eyes burst open. Today is the beginning of my three week adventure with Shawn and his hot friends, lets get this show on the road!
"Coming Mom." I yelled out my door while trying to pull up my Lulu leggings, and I threw on a brandy top that I found on my desk chair. I sprayed a bit of Warm and Cozy perfume, but not too much because I'm going to be on a plane for 4 hours and I don't want people to complain, but I don't know how you can it smells amazing!!
"Phone charger, headphones, purse and of course my phone." I threw my hair up into a bun while putting mascara on, then ran downstairs and hopped into the cab saying goodbye to my mom and dad and we were off! Dallas here we come!
We got to the airport in no time and got through the airport hassles then boarded our flight right away. I fought Shawn over the window seat and I rested on his shoulder falling asleep to Where Do Broken Hearts Go, by One Direction oh my god I think I'm in love. I was awoken from the turbulence of the plane and I was startled, but Shawn put his arm around my shoulder saying we were just going through a little patch, but I couldn't fall asleep after that. Once we finally landed in Dallas, everyone clapped for the pilots and got out of the plane to be slapped in the face by the Dallas heat, woo what a heat wave.
"Welcome to Dallas, Texas Miss." I turned to see Shawn wearing a cowboy hat he bought from the gift shop.
I laughed at his horrible accent, "Shawn, where are the guys?" My stomach was full of butterflies, I couldn't wait to meet them.
"They will be here in about 45 seconds," Shawn was looking at his watch, "Nash just texted me saying they're just pulling up to the gates. Do you have everything?"
"Yes mom, I have everything." Shawn laughed as he started rolling his luggage outside into the heat wave.
"Heyyy Shawny-awn," I didn't recognize the voice, but I saw a guy with a bandana on his head sticking out of the sunroof, my heart just started racing. He was gorgeous.
"Hey Tay-Tay. This is Laura." Shawn yelled back. I couldn't stop looking at his face, he was honestly breath taking.
"Hey Laura I'm Taylor come on in!"

Broken Waves
RomanceLaura Mendes is going on tour with her brother Shawn and the guys and let's just say that it isn't the trip that she packed for.