Shawn and I have spent almost five days in his room creating a song for his little event which is now in a couple days. During all that, we slept for maybe 14 hours at the most but it was definitely worth it because I have never seen him this happy, even over a song that he was only going to sing what- like three times? I couldn't care less about that, just spending time with my brother was amazing.
"LAURA YOO HOO I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" I could barely open my eyes because Shawn had opened the blinds and turned my bedroom lights on, like that helps me wake up... As soon as my eyes adjusted I saw Shawn's big smile right in front of my face, which startled me but I bopped his nose and sat up,
"You know Shawn if you want to wake me up the last thing you should do is make my room look like I'm staring into the fucking sun..." He had that 'whoops' face and I just laughed at him, "Anyways, what's up?"
"I have a surprise for you Laura Hailey Mendes, you're coming with me to Magcon!" I lost interest so I lay back down under my covers and tried to go back to bed, but of course Shawn started yelling in my ear and pushed me onto the floor. "YOU ARE COMING WITH ME TO MAGCON AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN FUCKING DO ABOUT IT. I GOT YOUR GOD DAMN PLANE TICKET AND THE GUYS-" Surprised by his swearing, I put my hand up to stop him and I pulled myself up to get to my closet, pulling out my suitcase covered in YouTube stickers. I saw his smile grow so big on his face that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop, and he ran up to me and gave me the strongest hug while spinning me around the room, "I love you so much Laura, you have no idea how much this means to me." "Yea yeah," I patted him on the back, and he gave me all the details.
Shawn had told me that Magcon went on for three weeks in different cities all over North America including: Dallas, LA, Toronto, Montreal, New York City, Victoria, and that's as many as I can remember because he spoke way too quickly. So, I packed for the different weather, put all my cosmetics in my makeup bag including my hair straightener and curler, oh and don't forget the tampons! I am an over packer, but I don't think it's possible to over pack for three weeks, is it? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Broken Waves
Storie d'amoreLaura Mendes is going on tour with her brother Shawn and the guys and let's just say that it isn't the trip that she packed for.