Left or Right?

807 21 64

Previously on "Tit for Tat"

Copycat had kidnapped Everest as "tit for tat" . Ryder, Chase and Skye are searching for Everest.

'And let's see how the PAW patrol rescues you!! *Cough cough* Hairballs!!'


Chase POV
I glanced at Skye. She looked so worried. I don't like to see her like that!!

'Chase you and your nose are up!' Ryder said.

'Yes sir, Ryder sir!' I said, as I started sniffing the area. Suddenly I...

'Achooo!!' I sneezed as I flew back two meters.

'Are you ok, Chase?' Skye asked with worry in her eyes. My stomach does a happy dance. Yes! She's worried about me!!

'Uh- Chase?' Skye said. Just then I realised that I froze.

'I'm ok, Skye!' I said.

I began sniffing again. And as soon as I did that I sneezed again!

'Kitten allergies?' Ryder asked.

I nodded yes.

'But...' Skye began. 'But how? The catastrophe crew??'

'No, Skye' Ryder said 'I think I know who's behind all of this.'

'Who?' I asked. I think Ryder will make a pretty good detective than me!

'Copycat!' Ryder said. I and Skye gave a confused look. 'yep, In her snowboard Everest must have got here before me and Copycat must have knocked her out or something then must have kidnapped her!'

'Oh no!' Skye said. 'What are we going to do Ryder?'

'We need to find some sort of clue which will lead us straight to Copycat's hideout!' Ryder said while thinking hard '...like Everest's pup tag signal!!'

Then Ryder called Rocky.

'Rocky, see if you can track Everest's pup tag signal! Copycat kidnapped her!' He said.

'Green means go, Ryder!!' we heard Rocky say through Ryder's pup pad. 

Zuma POV
Ryder just called Rocky and asked him to track Everest. We were all in the control room. I, Marshall, Rubble, Ella and Tuck. It was nine at night.

Ella began to doze off. I was the one sitting close to her. She accidentally fell asleep on my chest!! I began to blush. The more I tried not to, I blushed harder.

Luckily Marshall was far too worried to take any notice of us, Rubble was busy eating, Tuck was near Rocky as he explained some tech stuffs.

'Yes, found her!!' Rocky shouted making Ella shot up.

'I'm up! I'm up!!' She said looking all around gaining the whole pup's attention at once.

'Where is she??!' Marshall asked.

'She's somewhere on the mountains behind the lookout, where little hootie lives!'

'Why would Copycat take her there?' Marshall asked at once.

'Heavens knows, Marshall dude!' I said chuckling.

'I have to inform Ryder!' said Rocky as he pup tagged Ryder.

'Any luck?' Ryder asked.

'Yep! I found her.' Rocky said. 'She is on the mountains behind the lookout! She must be kept prisoner in a cave or something!'

'Well done, Rocky!' Ryder said smiling. 'We'll find Everest. You pups can make hot cocoa and warm up the room for her! The lookout is closer than Jake's cabin'

'You got it, Ryder!' Marshall said.

'I'm sending you the location, Ryder' Rocky said 'and done!'

'I've received it!' Ryder said.

And as soon as Ryder hung up....

'Ok pups, get to work!' Marshall began to give orders...

Ryder POV
Rocky said that Everest was somewhere on the mountains behind the lookout.

Chase, Skye and I were already driving on the winding road of the mountain.

'Chase, launch your drone!!' I said.

'Arf! Drone!!' He barked out his drone. 'Find Everest using the location!!'

The drone began its search. We went along the coastline at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly my pup pad beeped. It was the drone!

It had found a cave of some sort that goes pretty deep underground.

'Chase, Skye over there!' I said pointing to the cave for now we were in the view of it. 'That's the one! Everest is in there!'

We got off our vehicles and went to the mouth of the cave.

'Creepy!' Chase said. True indeed, it looked as if it will gobble us up! It was like walking into a monster's mouth. Yuck!!

'There is a fork!' said Skye pointing to it. 'Now what?'

'Hmmm, Everest's signal is coming from the left. So I think we should take the left fork!' I said. But I was not so confident about it. I seriously don't want to get lost! Some underground tunnels are like maze!! Left or right? I seriously don't know!!

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