To the Rescue!!!

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Marshall POV
What? The middle of the bay! He went to the middle of the bay in a blizzard????!!

'Tell Chase! Quick!' I said. Rocky pup tagged Chase. My heart is beating so fast!! I can't help but think that Ryder is in trouble.

'Rocky? Found anything?' asked Chase through the big screen.

'Yeah!' said Rocky. 'But this can be a bit of horrible news.'

'What is it?' I heard Skye, she must be somewhere near Chase.

'He's in the middle of the bay! North to seal island!!'

'Chase hurry! We have to do something! I'm sure Ryder is in trouble 'cause he's not moving or atleast the symbol showing Ryder's location isn't!!' I almost shouted.

'I have a better idea!' said Tuck. 'Call Ryder!'

'Tuck, amigo!' said Tracker. 'Ryder is the one we're searching for and how can we call him for help??! You're kidding right? No divertido! Not funny!'

'What I meant is' said Tuck 'Call Ryder and find out what he's up to. If he needs help he would've called us right? But he didn't, so must have gone out for something else.'

Yeah. That's a sensible point. But why the middle of the bay?

'Tuck's right!' I said. 'Let's call Ryder!'

'I'll dino do it!' said Rex, running to the big screen and called Ryder. We all waited impatiently for the response.

Abblin POV
Ryder has been gone for about 2 minutes now, which seemed more like two hours. I hope he's okay.

*Ryder's pup pad rings*

I looked at his pup pad. It was Rex calling. Sure I know everything about them. I debated whether to attend it or not. I attended it.

Ryder answered at the neck of time or atleast I thought it was Ryder. It was actually a girl. She had short wavy hair. It was thick brown just like Ryder's. She had Sapphire blue eyes. And her skin colour too was just the same as Ryder's except that she was a little, Itsy bitsy fat. Maybe a bit taller than him too. I can't say for sure. Guessing by her looks she's probably 11 or 12 years old.

'Who are you, dude?' asked Zuma 'And what are you doing with Ryder's pup pad?'

'Oh no, she kidnapped Ryder!' shouted Ella.

'Where is he?' said Everest.
'What did you do to him?' shouted Skye.
'I'll kill you! If you don't tell what you did to him!!!' Chase said ferociously.

There was silence, pin drop silence. Nobody dared to day a word after hearing Chase shout "I'll kill you".

Abblin POV
'I'll kill you! If you don't tell what you did to him!!' a German shepherd shouted. It's Chase. I know everything about the PAW Patrol. Chase... the most loyal, trustworthy pup. But just hearing him shout at me that he'll kill me makes me shiver in fright.

'I didn't...d.. do any..t.thing to him!' I managed to say between shivers.

'Then where is he??!' I heard a worried voice say. I can't tell who it is 'cause I can only see Chase and the dino pup what's his name..yeah! Rex on the screen. But it sounded like a girl pup.

'Now Skye, she must be lying about Ryder...' lying??? I don't lie!

Chase POV
'Lying??' the girl shouted. 'I don't lie!! I'm a very truthful person. And you're searching for Ryder right? He has dove down into the bay to save a five year old kid. He took me along with him in his ATV. Now stop telling that I'm lying!!!'

'He dove down??'
'Why didn't he call us?'
'The water will be freezing cold!'
'We gotta help him!!'

The pups shouted.

'Attention!!!' I said in police style. That caused them to be quite and look at me in sincere manner. It usually happens when I say "attention"

'Okay pups, this has just got way more serious. Zuma I need you to come down to the beach. Then you can take me to the spot where Ryder dove down.' I said

'Let's dive in !!' said Zuma 'After Ryder dude!'

'Marshall, I need you to be ready. Come down to the deck of the beach.'

'I'm ready for a ruff ruff rescue!!'

Everest POV
Marshall seems so happy that Chase chose him atlast. I'm pretty worried about Ryder too. I wonder if I can help too. 'Chase! I can help too if you want.' I said.

'Ok. Everest you can back up Marshall. Help him if Ryder's injured. More like a nurse maybe??..'

'Off the trail, Everest won't fail!!' I said as Zuma, Marshall and I ran towards the slide.

We went down to the beach as fast as we can. Chase and Skye were already there.

'Zuma quick!' Chase said.

Authors note:-
300+ reads. Not bad. I didn't expect that much anyway. Thanks for all the support buddies. Next chapter will be out on 16th or 17th. Don't forget to vote, share and comment. Most of all enjoy it!!

Yours sincerely,

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