How Dough can you go (Chapter 10)

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I'm refusing to write any more until I get at least 2 or 3 votes. because it seems no one has even read my last chapter. This one is long for ya guys. If ya love it, recommend it to your friends! It's always appreciated! Thanks for reading, and remember to Vote, Comment, Fan, and Recommend! Always,


I walked to the bar and sat down next to Tucker to wait my five minutes.

"How you feelin'?" Tucker asked, glancing over at me.

"Good, I'm ready to dance. I feel like dancing tonight which will be good for my four sets and the privates in between those sets." I chuckled. I watched Nikki on stage, she was finishing up with her back bend pole dismount. That's when you climb to the top of the pole and then back bend your self all the way down. It's really hard, I can't do it. At least not yet. She reached the bottom of the pole and stood up on the stage, just as her music ended which was my cue to get up and head to the stage.Tucker grabbed my arm and started walking with me.

" I'm gonna circle the stage tonight while you're dancing, I want to be looking for that guy. Just do your thing and if anything happens, anything at all, signal me. Got it?  Oh and hey, no playing grab ass, not even for a million bucks." He looked me seriously in the eye as we hit the stage stairs.

"OK, got it. I just want to dance, not even any pantie bills tonight. Just dancing." I smiled sweetly, "Oh and don't be to busy looking for the guy to watch me. I'm pretending I'm dancing for you tonight." I turned around and walked up the stairs. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a rag off of the edge of the stage and walked over to the pole to wipe it down so I could hopefully climb it tonight. My music started so I kicked the rubbing alcohol and the rag back to the edge of the stage. and started dancing. I started with rubbing my butt down the pole and opened my legs and closed them again when I went back up. I glanced at Tucker, gave him a sweet smile, and shimmied up the pole. When I made it to the top I wrapped my arms around the pole as tight as I could and let go of the pole with my legs, I did the splits in the air. It was the newest trick I had learned. I liked using my down time at the club to practice, I wanted to be able to do all the pole tricks. You get more money for pole tricks. I slid back down and had the sudden urge to dance like I do when I'm alone. So I did. It's not necessarily sexy, but I think my audience enjoyed it. I flipped my hair all over and swung my hips and hopped on one foot. It was one of my best dances. I had been so into my dance that I hardly noticed when my music stopped. I looked down at the floor to see how much money I had laying there, and I realised I hadn't even stripped, and there were hundreds of ones on the floor, and even a couple twenties. I got down on the floor and started picking up my money and I found three hundred dollar bills. Apparently my dance that caused me to not get naked, really impressed people. I started walking down the stairs of the stage, when Tucker offered his arm to me which I gladly took. We walked to my dressing room and he opened the door. I set all the money in my mushroom chair and sat down next to it, gathering it all up I counted it silently to my self. I looked up at Tucker in awe when I finished.

"What? How much is there?"  He asked me.

" Over a thousand dollars..." I exclaimed. I stood up with all my money and walked to the door. I had to go get this cashed in so I didn't loose any of it. I walked out to the front desk and saw that Sammy was working tonight. Sammy was a tall lady, with long black hair and really long finger nails. She did her make up simple. I walked up to her.

"Hey Sammy, I have to cash this in now. I can't have it sitting in my dressing room like that. I handed her a huge wad of cash. She counted it quietly and then looked at me.

"Is this for the night? I thought you just got here." She looked at me in awe.

"That was my first dance. I have to dance four more times tonight and do the private rooms too!" I practically yelled.

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