Is that you? (Chapter 15)

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I think this is short guys. Let me know how it is. I have been so busy with my almost 2 year old that anytime I try to think about the story she gets into trouble breaking my concentration. Thanks for reading. I would like to have 10 votes on this before I post again! Thanks soooo much! I love you all. You're so great! Vote, comment, fan! Thanks again.


I was so tired that as soon as the doctor left I fell asleep. I gone about two days with out sleep so I really needed it. I awoke to the sound of my door opening. I opened my eyes and saw a doctor standing there.

“Hello Ms. Aldridge, how are you feeling this morning?”  He asked me. He grabbed my note pad and pen off of the nightstand next to my bed and handed them to me.

I hurt. Can I have some sort of pain reliever?

“I’ll see what I can do about upping your morphine. Anything else you need?”

Do you know when I will be able to go home?

“We’ll you seem to be doing good right now, if you continue to do good and you start heeling nicely then we may be able to let you go sometime next week. How about we check on your injury and get it cleaned?”

Is it gonna hurt?

“It may, but we will try to make it as painless as possible. Also we don’t want you to even try and speak until the day we release you. We expect you to be able to speak again, but if you try and talk it could ruin that ok?”


He opened my door again and called for a nurse who entered my room three seconds later.

“She is ready to have her injury cleaned. Would you mind giving me a hand?”

“No Problem doctor.”

She walked over to the side of my bed and started pulling on the tape that was on my throat. It hurt because it was pulling my skin near my cut. I let a tear slip but I was to focused on trying not to make a sound. Once they had my bandages off the doctor inspected the cut and picked up several bottles off of a silver stand he had pulled over near my bed. He gently started squirting the contents into the cut, which hurt even worse then taking the bandages off. I curled my toes and let a few more tears slip but I didn’t make a sound. I was determined to be able to talk. I concentrated on being able to talk to Norah again. Once they had finished the nurse put some clean bandages on my neck and taped them down. The doctor had upped my morphine so it wasn’t hurting as bad anymore.

“Ok, well you seem to be heeling as well as we could hope.”

Thank you doctor.

“Also I understand that you have a couple visitors waiting for you. I know you will be excited but please remember to take it easy and not to make any noise.”

Ok I will.

“Very good. I will send them in.”

I sat there wondering who was here to see me that I would get excited over besides Tucker, when there was a small knock at my door. It then opened and I looked up to see that it was Tucker, and he was carrying something. When the small pink bundle had turned around I saw Norah’s smiling face. I was so excited that I almost tried to shout, but remembered just in time that I couldn’t. A smile crept on my face and tears started rolling down my face. Tucker walked over to my bed and sat on the chair, placing Norah on his lap.

“Mommy!” She shouted, trying to wiggle her way out of Tucker’s arms to get to me.

“Norah, Mommy is hurt, she can’t talk to you yet, and we have to be gentle and not hurt her anymore.” He told her.

Can she give me a kiss? I wrote and showed Tucker.

“I suppose, just be careful.” He said standing up to bring Norah closer to my lips. She gave me a big smacker kiss, and I smiled as big as I could.

So what has happened while I’ve been gone? I asked him

“Nothing to much, Norah has just been making me play Barbie’s and tea party with her.” He smiled.

Oh how I wish I could have a picture of that! I wrote.

“Actually, Lena did take a picture.” He laughed pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to me. I unfolded it to find that it was a picture of Tucker and Norah sitting at her little table having a tea party, and behind that picture was another picture. This one of Tucker playing Skipper, Barbie’s friend, while Norah played Barbie. I smiled even bigger. I would cherish these two pictures for the rest of my life. I picked up the notepad again.

Thank you. Ask Lena if she will take more pictures. I want to see everything that happens while I can’t be there. He nodded.

“I can’t wait for you to come home Scar. I’ve missed you so much. That bed sure does seem big and lonely without you in it!” He told me.

This whole room seems lonely with out you and Norah. I’m so glad you brought her to see me. Thank you!

“No problem. I was going to wait but I figured you’d choke me if I came with out her.” He laughed.

Yes I would. As much as I love seeing her and you, I really need a nap now. Would it be all right if you came back later? I’d love to talk to you more, but they just cleaned my throat and it hurt so he had to bump up the morphine. I made a pouty face and he smiled, stood up and kissed me on the forehead, then leaned Norah closer so that she could give me a kiss.

“We’ll see you soon mommy” He waved. Norah got a sad look on her face like she was about to cry and I let yet another tear slip as we waved goodbye to eachother.

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