The in between (Chapter 13)

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Sorry it's so short guys! I had this massive Idea, but it ended up being a short massive idea. lol. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. and Sorry its so boring! it's the intro to my idea... kinda? lol. idk, ive been up all night. And, I read the Sookie Stackhouse (trueblood) books, and I just got a new one, "Dead in the family" so... i spent three days reading that. sorry that it took so long... but reading that book was like a long awaited upload from charlene harris! yay for trueblood

<-------------------------------------------- vote right there!!!! please???? and comment, fan! its supper appreciated! lol. thanks to all who are already fans... I love you! lol. ok so on to the story! btw, when i wrote this i had 815 reads. I love it, but i would REALLY like to get to 1000. help me make this happen! on to the story!

I woke up, I didn't feel a thing, I touched my head to see if it hurt, then I touched my throat to see if it hurt. When I had examined myself and nothing hurt I stood up and started walking to the living room to see if I could see anyone. Where had the man gone? He said he was gonna kill me, so why was I still alive? I heard a noise down the hall and slowly turned around walking to the hallway. I peeked around the corner. I had found the man, he was kneeling over something. I started walking closer and realised it was someone. I ran to the person and knelt down beside them, trying to see how badly they were injured. I jumped up and backed against the wall.

"What the fuck is going on? Is this a dream?" I said, it was me laying on the floor. But how was that possible? I am standing right here. Still staring down at myself I noticed that blood was gushing from my throat, it was all over the floor. I looked down at myself, the man was caressing my hair and face.

"You know, you wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't avoided me. I wouldn't have hurt you at all." He gave a chuckle. I felt like crying but nothing came out. Was I dead? Or was this like an in between? How did this happen? I was starting to get sleepy, so I  turned toward the living room and started walking. I heard a bang on the door, my head jolted up to look at it. Suddenly something came crashing through the door window. Someone reached their hand through the glass and unlocked the door. I sat down on the couch and watched the scene before me. Cops came through the door first and then Tucker. I stood up to greet Tucker but quickly learned that he couldn't see me, let alone hear me. I stepped back and watched the cops screaming for the paramedics. Tucker ran to me on the floor, picking up my head, smoothing my hair, crying. The cops were leading the man out of my house in handcuffs, paramedics were rushing in with bags and boxes. They got me on to a gurney and wheeled me out, still poking and prodding me. I jumped in the ambulance after Tucker, they closed the doors, driving off. When I got to the hospital, I sat with my body in the emergency room. The doctors were sticking all kinds of things in me, opening me up, stitching me shut. Occasionally I'd get up to go check on Tucker, he sat in the waiting room looking dazed and tired. I would sit next to him for a couple minutes and then walk back to check on my body. Then, I'd sit there and watch the doctors and nurses scramble around my body. I followed one of my doctors out in to the waiting room. Tucker stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Vega, were doing the best we can, but it's touch and go at this time." Tucker shook the doctors hand.

"Thank you doctor." He tried to smile but it came out crooked. He sat back down as the doctor walked back to the room.

I was sitting with my body, that was now in a private room, completely alone, when Tucker came in to the room. He paused in the doorway and wiped his eyes. He finally approached my bedside and sat down in the chair. He leaned forward and touched my messy brown hair. He ran his fingers along all the cuts and bruises I had on my face. He touched the huge gauze pad, that had blood starting to seep through to the surface, that was on my neck. A tear slipped out of his eye.

"I'm so sorry Scar." He whimpered, "I should have been there. I should have caught the bastard earlier. I let you down." He stopped and wiped his tears again. "Norah is safe, she's with Lena. The guy who did this..." He paused and drew in a breath. "His names George Roberts. George is in jail, the cops got him. Norah misses you." He spoke, trying so hard to get a conversation going. "I'll bring her to see you as soon as you start heeling up. Right now you've lost so much blood the doctors don't know if you will make it. I hope you do Scar, I love you. You're the one I want to be with forever." He stopped talking for a while and just smoothed my hair. I heard a knock on the door and looked over to see who it was. I saw Surah's blond multi-colored hair pop in a crack in the door.

"OH! Sorry, I"ll come back." She smiled sweetly.

"It's fine, I was just about to leave." He said standing up.

"How's she doing?" Surah asked smacking her bubble gum.

"She's critical right now, doctors don't know if she'll make it through the night." He grimaced. "But hey..." He glanced at Surah with a spark in his eyes that I haven't seen for four days.

"She's a stripper. She climbs poles for a living. She's tough." He smiled. Surah chuckled, which made me smile too. Tucker walked out of the room and Surah sat down, looking at me.

"Oh dear darlin', how'd you get yourself into this mess?" She asked. "He really did a number on you." She frowned and looked me over. 

"Oh, I wanted to tell you that at work I walk around the club with a bucket before I go on, and people put money in there for you. I'm saving it for you. So you're not totally broke when you get better. You can take your time coming back to work, you don't have to work to hard." She smiled. I felt the need to cry again, but still nothing came out. I stood up and walked over to Surah and leaned over to give her a hug. She didn't move but I still hugged her anyway. I really liked Surah, and if I lived, I would let her know how much I appreciated her. She pulled her phone out of her purse and looked at it.

"Oh damn. I gotta go sweetie, but I'll come back tomorrow and see you." She leaned over and kissed the top of my head. She walked to the door and opened it a crack.

"Love ya babes. Get better... please" She added. and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

I sat in my room thinking about Surah, I had considered her a friend. But not a good friend, I pondered why I hadn't thought of her like a best friend, there was no reason not to. I had been sitting there for hours, when I finally decided to get up and walk around the hospital, see who was here. I opened the door to my room, and walked out into the hall way and headed into the waiting rooms. When I walked across the threshold, I noticed a large man laying across a couple of the waiting chairs, looking rather uncomfortable. I slowly walked forward to look at his face, and stopped right in front of him. It was Tucker. I sat down in a chair next to his head and started playing with his hair.

"It's not your fault you know." I spoke softly. "It's mine. He called me at 2:45 AM and told me he'd been watching me. He had Norah, I didn't know what else to do. So I wrote you and Norah those letters, because he told me I wouldn't be coming back. Now look what's happened to me... my body is lying in a hospital bed, while my... spirit? Is walking around alone. I don't know if I should stay or go, or if I even have that option. I wish you could hear me Tucker, then you could help me make this decision. I know I should stay for Norah, but I don't know where I'll get a job, Zach won't keep me with a huge scar on my neck, who wants to look at an imperfect stripper? I'll have a hard time finding another job, because all people will be able to stare at is my neck with the big scar. Not only that, but there's no telling what my condition is like, whether I'll come out of this soon, or if I'll lay there and rot for a few years. How much money will this consume? What are you gonna do with a child, that's not even yours and a girlfriend who's a vegetable? That's to much to ask any one of." I leaned down and kissed the top of Tucker's head and stood up walking out of the waiting room and back to my room. I needed to be alone to think, and I needed to do that in a dark room. I entered my room and sat down in the chair next to my bodies head.

"OK, so I don't get the chance to actually talk to myself face to face very often, so I think I should take this opportunity to talk to you... or me! I have no clue what to do, I want to hold my Norah again, but how long is it going to take? I would rather die then lie here for five years. So what are we going to do?" Of course my body didn't answer me back, so I leaned back and sat there. In a nothingness kind of state. I think it was like sleeping for people in the in between. It  felt good to sit there and relax, I had been getting tired, I don't know what I was going to do. I hope I wasn't going to be stuck like this I wanted to see Norah so bad!

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