Who is this guy? (chapter 7)

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Miss_Imperfect. my very first fan. I'm glad to know SOMEONE is in love with my story! Thanks!

I sat there behind boxes, holding my breath, praying Norah wouldn't make a sound. The man moved a couple boxes to see if he could see anything but he couldn't. He finally backed out of the small unfinished bathroom and closed the door. I heard him walk out of Norah's room and back towards my room. I let out a sigh but didn't move. I knew he might come back, so I sat there and I waited, I think I was waiting to hear Tucker come in. I wanted him to find us because I was to scared to move. Norah had finished her eggs, and was starting to get restless She threw the plate and I caught it just before it hit the floor.I heard the front door open and close again, and I prayed it was that guy leaving. Suddenly the bathroom door opened again. Someone stuck their head in and this time looked down to look through the boxes. I looked up and saw Tucker's face.

"Tucker? Tucker, He's in the house I think he's back by my room. Be careful, he might be armed." I was whispering as quickly as I could.

"Are you OK babe? How's Norah?" He whispered back sounding worried.

"We're fine. Just get that son of a bitch out of my house!" I screamed in a whisper. Tucker shut the door and walked out of Norah's room. I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, so he must be sneaking back to the bedroom to take a look. I didn't hear anything for several minutes. Finally I heard Tucker's voice.

"Scar, no one is here, come out." The bathroom door opened and Tucker started pulling boxes out of the bathroom so that Norah and I could crawl out. I handed Norah to Tucker, and crawled under a couple boxes to get out of the bathroom. Tucker offered me his hand to help me get up and I took it. I stood up and Tucker pulled me into a hug.

"How did he get out? I didn't hear the door open again."

"I don't know Scar. There's  no signs he was even in here." He looked away.

"I'm not crazy. He was here! Tucker you have to believe me." I was about to start crying again.

"I do believe you Scar, but it just doesn't look like he was here. He must be a professional with breaking in to houses, because there's not one sign that he was here. Now, I have to go call the police. Go sit with Norah on the couch. I'll heat your food back up. OK?" He gave me a big hug and walked next to my side to the couch. I sat down and Norah ran to her toys on the floor. I heard Tucker in the kitchen pushing buttons on my microwave. He brought me out my plate of food, and I took it from him setting it on the couch next to me. He walked back into the kitchen and started dialing on his phone. "This is Tucker Vega, I called earlier about someone stalking my co worker Scarlett Aldridge. I need to speak with an officer Reynolds. OK thank you!" He walked out of the kitchen just long enough to whisper to me that they were transferring him to the officer that he had talked to earlier. He went back to the kitchen, there was a moment of silence then he started talking again. "Yes, this is Tucker Vega. Yes, He showed up again. This time he came in the house. About an hour ago. We heard tapping on the front window, so I went outside to take a look Scarlett and her daughter Norah hid, and the guy came in not even a minute after I walked out. OK, we will see you then. Thank you." He hung up the phone, and walked back into the living room to come sit next to me. "They are on their way." He pulled me close to him. "You need to eat. You'll get sick." I grabbed my plate and pulled it to my chest I picked up my fork and filled it with a small bite of eggs, and stuck it in my mouth and  chewed it really slowly. I sat there eating like that, watching Norah. Waiting for the police to get here. I finally got up and walked back to my room. I sat down on the bed for a minute. Regretting what I was about to do. Regretting letting any of this happen. This was all my fault. If I would have just told that guy no, or made Tucker escort him out. I wouldn't have this problem. Why had I been so stupid? I got up from the bed and grabbed a duffel bag from beside my dresser in my closet. I pulled some shirts off of the hangers and stuffed them in the bag. I pulled pants down off of the shelf in the closet and stuffed them in the bag. I didn't even see what I was grabbing, I was just taking stuff and putting it in the bag. When I felt I had enough stuff to last me for a while, I zipped the bag up and walked it out to the living room and put it Next to the door.

"What are you doing Scar?" Tucker looked up at me.

"Packing, he came back. We have to leave. I have to take Norah to Lena's." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and dialed Lena's number. It rang twice then she picked up.

"Hello?" She questioned.

"Lena, It's Scarlett, I need you to take Norah for a few days."

"What's going on? Is everything OK?" She questioned.

"I can't talk to you about it over the phone. I'm going to send you a location via text. Meet me there at the time stated in the text. Can you do that for me? Please Lena? I'll pay you for every minute you have her!"

"Yeah, OK, text me the deets." She said. I hung up and opened the last text  I sent to Lena and pushed reply. 'Starbucks 1943 Duncan Ave. Will send time when I know better of when I can make it there. Be ready. And thanks again." I sent it and closed my phone. Walking to Norah's room I grabbed a bag out of the hall closet. I walked to her closet and pulled clothes off of her hangers and shoved them in the bag along with pajamas and pants, and a whole box of diapers, that should last her two weeks. I grabbed her potty chair and a few of her favorite stuffed animals and toys and walked to the living room. I set her stuff next to mine.

The door bell rang and I pulled the door open. Two officers were standing there.

"Come on in." I offered.

"OK, Tell me what happened." The one with the name tag that read Reynolds on it said.

"I heard tapping on this window," I pointed to the window behind the couch, "And Tucker went outside to check it out. About thirty seconds after he left I heard the door open and shut. Norah and I had been hiding here." I walked them to the unfinished bathroom and opened the door. "He came in here first and looked around, then opened this door and looked for a light. When he didn't see one, he tried to look behind some boxes but didn't see us so he left to walk back to my bedroom." I walked them back there. "I don't know what he did back here, but about two minutes after he left Norah's room Tucker came back in, said he wasn't in there. That it looked like he hadn't been in the house at all. We have no clue how he got out, but Tucker searched and he's not here. We will be relocating. My daughter is going to stay with someone, and I'm going to stay..." I paused. "With Tucker." I whispered. They nodded. The rest of the police stuff took about thirty more minutes and then they left. I started putting bags in Tucker's car and getting ready to leave. I turned the main power to my house off, and locked the door. Tucker got Norah in her car seat, and we both got in his car and drove off.




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