This goodbye is not forever. (Chapter 8)

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Sorry it's so short. Got school goin on and a big essay. I just wanted to add another chapter. Sorry!!!

We pulled out of the driveway, and I pulled out my phone. Dialing Lena's number I pushed compose message. 'Ten min. Be there. It has to be a quick exchange.' I pushed send and closed my phone, sticking it back in my pocket. I glanced back at Norah who smiled at me, and my eyes began to swell with tears. I didn't want to leave her for more then the five to eight hours then I had to. But this was going to be more then a day. Maybe even more then two weeks. What was I going to do? Norah had never been away from me that long. I felt Tucker glance over at me, I know had tears pouring down my face. I glanced out the window trying to hide them from him.

"Scar? Will you please look at me?" He spoke as gently as possible. I turned my head to look at his face.

"What?" I said, wiping my tears as quickly as I could.

"It won't be two weeks. I'll make it as quick as possible. The next time that guy shows up, I'll get him. I won't let him go. I'll... kill him... if I have to." He nodded. I smiled at him, trying not to cry anymore.

"I just don't want to leave Norah. She's my baby! What am I going to do?" I failed at the no crying thing. I was now bawling. We pulled into Starbucks and I saw Lena sitting in her car. After we had parked I got out and tapped on her window, she opened the door and got out.

"Scarlett, what is going on?" She looked worried, so I told her to follow me into the coffee shop to get a cup of coffee while I explained. Tucker was outside putting Norah and all her stuff in Lena's car. I ordered my coffee and Lena ordered her's and we sat at a table next to the window so I could see Tucker and Norah.

"I'm in trouble Lena. A man from Havoc is stalking me. I need you to take Norah for a while so that I know she is safe. I'll pay you for the time you have her. She should have plenty of everything for up to two weeks. If you need anything of hers from my house call me and I will go get it for you. I do not want Norah to be put in jeopardy. I don't know how often I will be able to come see her, but I will try. Any problems and you call me. Do you understand?" I glanced out of the window and saw Tucker nod at me to let me know that Norah and all of her things were ready to go.

"Yes, I understand. Keep in touch Scarlett. I know Norah will miss you." She smiled and headed back to her car, getting in she started it. I ran out to her car and tapped on her window, she rolled it down and I shoved two hundred dollars in her lap.

"That should take care of Norah's food for a while. Call me when you get low." I walked over to Tucker's car and got in. I watched Lena drive off with Norah, and I started to cry again. Tucker pulled my to his chest and held me till I stopped crying.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah. Let's get this shit done! The sooner I get her back, the sooner I'll be happy again." We pulled out of Starbucks and headed to go get a new car. When we pulled into the car dealership I got out and started looking at cars. Tucker pointed out a few to me, but I shook my head. I pointed out a 2009 Acadia. Tucker walked over and looked inside, checked under the hood, all that guy stuff. A dealer walked up about that time and started talking to Tucker about the car.

"How much?" Tucker said, getting straight to the point.

"Thirty thousand." He smiled. Tucker walked over to me and started whispering in my ear.

"How much you got Scar?"

"About six thousand on me. That's all I have saved."  I whispered back. He walked back over to the dealer and started his negotiation process.

"I'll give you twenty thousand for it, and I have a five thousand down payment." He said.

"Listen, Mr..."


"Mr. Vega, You're a big guy and I really don't think you are going to go any lower then twenty and to be completely honest, this car is so low because it's been sitting here so long. People think because It's so new that It will have a high price. So I'll give you this car for twenty. How does that sound?"

"Great." Tucker said. The dealer motioned for us to follow him, so we did.



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