How I Met Your Mother

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"This is so good!" Sokka said as he ate his pizza

"I know, you said that 5 slices ago" Korra laughed

"I still can't get over the fact you 2 are best friends" Varrick said "I was your business partner for 6 years" he told Asami "and I've been working for you for 6 years and I had no idea"

"I had no idea you knew Asami" Korra said

"Same" Asami agreed

"I guess it is a small world" Korra looked at Asami with a smile

the 6 continued to talk. Korra liked Bolin, he was a pretty good guy compared to his brother. Sokka also took a liking to Bolin, and of course Sokka got attached to Asami.

Once they finished up they were getting ready to go.

"you know we have a meeting with Varrick right?" Bolin laughed

"Spirits I forgotten too" Varrick smacked his forehead "Korra why didn't you remind me?"

"Hey you asked me to schedule it, not to remind you" Korra glared at him "And watch the attitude, I'm still your Chief"

"Now you see what I deal with everyday" Zhu Li sighed "Varricks a hand full, try being his assistant 24/7"

Sokka laughed "I thought you were his girlfriend"

"What?!" Varrick and Zhu Li were in shock but their faces turned red

"nonsense" Varrick laughed "She's just my Assistant"

"Yea, and he's just my boss" they both let out a nervous chuckle

Varrick cleared his throat "now, should we go ahead and take this meet out the way"

"right, yes" Asami said

"I'll get a head start so I can set up a room" He walked away

"Me and Zhu Li will meet you at the office" Varrick said as he walked away with Zhu Li following close behind him

"wait you're leaving?" Sokka looked at Asami

"Asami has work Sokka" Korra told her son

"can I come" he smiled at the woman

"Oh um..." Asami couldn't say no, she actually wouldn't mind bringing him "If your mom says it's okay, of course I'll take you with" She gave him a smile

"Mommy please" He begged his mother

"What, why are you throwing me under the bus?" Korra looked at Asami who was giggling

"please please please" Sokka kept on

"No" Korra told him

"Whyyyy" the boy whined

"because you're grounded"

"What?! how?"

"What do you mean 'how', you snuck into Varrick's yacht when I told you to stay with Katara and gran gran at the south" Korra pointed out

"it wasn't my Idea" Sokka crossed his arms

"then who's idea was it" Korra asked

"I'm not telling" He looked away from his mother

"it was Katara wasn't it?"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"I should've never put you to home school at a early age, kids your age can only manage to say 4 words in a sentence" She crossed her arms

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