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"What do you mean I'm the Avatar?!" I yelled at my father "there's no way I can be the Avatar!" I threw my book to the side and paced around my room "I can't be, there is no more Avatar, my mother was the last chance of being the Avatar and she-"

"Is the Avatar" my father said completed my sentence but that wasn't what I was going to say, he confused me even more. He chuckled at my confusion "one day everything will make sense" he faded away into the air.

"Wait no! You can't leave me saying something like that! What in the spirits am I supposed to do I'm only 3 wait...I'm only 4, dad come back, explain please" but he didn't come back, I kicked the pole of my bed out of frustration "so much for a spirit guide!" I yelled into the air hoping he could still hear me.

I heard a knock at my door "Sokka what are you yelling at?" My mother's voice caught my attention, I turned to find her sliding the doors open letting herself in. I ran up to her making her catch me into her arms "mom!" I smiled as I nuzzled into her warm hug "you missed it, there's a lot going on and I don't know how to explain it, I was reading my book and dad told me that I was the Avatar and so were you but he didn't say how he just vanished in thin air like how he always do and-"

"Woah woah woah, Sokka pump the brakes, your talking way to fast I can't understand a single word you're saying" she cut me off, she was right though, I said all of that in one breath that I'm panting. She sat me down on the bed "now start from the beginning"

So I did, I told her everything that happened a few minutes ago. She looked at me dumbstruck and a little lost.

"Sokka are you getting enough sleep?" She asked me touching my forehead for a fever. I swiped her hand away "yes and I'm being serious, dad visits me in a spirit form almost all the time, he's the reason I figured out how to water bend" I explained but she still didn't look convinced "Where's Asami? She'll believe me"

"In the living room talking to Pema but-"

"ASAMI!!!" I called for her cutting off my mom.

I heard 2 pairs of foot steps running towards us. The door slid open in a split second "What happened?!" Asami panted with Pema behind her.

"Mommy doesn't believe me" I whined pointing at my mother who had her eyebrow raised.

Asami let out a relieved sigh and gave Pema a nod for her to leave the 3 of us alone, she closed the sliding doors and walked towards me kneeling down. "What's going on?"

"Remember the night I water bended for the first time?" She gave me a nod "and I told you how my dad talks to me sometimes"

"Yes I remember you telling me"

"Well mommy doesn't believe that I can see him" I again pointed at the guilty woman

"I believe you, okay?! There you happy?" my mother practically yelled and basically didn't sound convincing

"No I'm not, I know you don't" I crossed my arms

"What you are saying is basically out of a damn dream Sokka. How else am I supposed to react?! My son is telling me that he sees his father, who is dead, almost every day"

"Korra enough he's just a kid!" Asami snapped at her "can't you just hear him out?"

"Sami you don't understand, this so called spirit dad or what ever the fuck, is telling Sokka that me and my son are the fucking Avatar!" My mother and I had a back and forth argument

"IT'S THE TRUTH!!" I shouted

"There can only be one Avatar!" My mother yelled "not only that but there is no more Avatar!"

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