What now?

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3 days after the war ended and the Avatars were safe from harms way, president Raiko decided to host a ceremony to honor the warriors who fought till the end and to honor those who sacrificed their lives.

Of course no kids were allowed so Rohan convinced the Airbender kids to make their own ceremony to celebrate everyone's bravery and especially Sokka's.

Korra and Asami were getting ready for the Ceremony, Asami went with a long red dress where as Korra wear a blue watertribe tux.

"You look gorgeous" Korra said as she watched her girlfriend put on her makeup. "You look dashing yourself" Asami said with a smile earning a long passionate kiss.

"Can someone do my braid?" Sokka walked making the women jump back from the kiss. Sokka sighed and walked up to his mother handing her a rubber band for her to do the braid since Asami was busy doing makeup.

Korra looked at Asami earning a shrug. She worked on her son's braid and as she did Sokka opened his mouth "so....when's the wedding?"

"Sokka?!" Korra didn't expect that to come out his mouth, even Asami stopped what she was doing

"What? I always knew, I was just waiting on you to tell me so I can confirm and after what I just saw I can say it has been confirmed" Sokka crossed his arms puffing up his chest proud of himself for being right "I even told Asami, well...kind of, I just told her how spirit dad mentioned you guys and of I'll be okay with 2 mommies" he shrugged "but she didn't confirm that you guys were together because we were interrupted"

Korra looked over to Asami who again shrugged but then again Asami's memory compared to Sokka's is basically trash.

"what now?" He asked

Korra and Asami never left eye contact with each other "it's complicated" Korra responded

"What how?" The little boy asked

"I'm the Chief of the Southern Watertribe" Korra said never leaving Asami's green eyes

"And I'm the CEO of Future Industries" Asami said never leaving Korra's blue eyes.

"Besides...the watertribe have their customs" Korra cleared her throat "Come on, we should get going if we're taking you to the Air Temple" Korra said taking the boy's hand and guided him out the door.

Asami and Korra dropped Sokka off and headed towards the city hall. But of course all they thought about was the conversation with Sokka.

"Are we not going to talk about it?" Asami asked Korra who stayed silent.

"What is there to talk about, it's the same shit as last time." Korra said coldly

"Korra don't be like that"

"Be like what? You know it's true" Korra's eyes never left the window as she started biting her thumb nail.

The car ride fell silent and the ride felt even longer. Moments later Asami parked the car and looked over to Korra who didn't move an inch. "Babe?" She called for Korra's attention but didn't get it "please look at me"

Korra slowly turned her head facing Asami. Before Asami can say anything Korra spoke first "we should get going, they're waiting on us" Korra said unfazed and got out the car.

Asami stayed in the car watching Korra leave it. Korra made her way around the car opening the door for Asami and taking her hand. Asami dropped the conversation seeing that Korra didn't want to talk about it, so she planned on bringing it up tonight.

Once they made it to the stairs, Korra released Asami's hand and opened the door finding everyone inside and out in the back. As they walked in everyone started clapping for them. "There's the Heroes of republic city" president Raiko announced "Avatar Korra Sasaki and Asami Sato" he smiled. And Korra felt awkward with her new title, she was use to 'Chief' or 'Chief of the South' not 'Avatar'

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