Broken Heart

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I sat quietly on the bed, staring right at the swimming pool that brought I and Sabir together, I can't stop the tears rolling down my cheeks neither can I stop my heart from aching, I wish I had listened to Limah not to jump in the pool that day. I am not the type that fall for any specie that walks around with Moses rod accompanied by two balls but Sabir was different, he makes me happy, he listens to me, he encourages me, the smile on his face completes my day, I'd give anything just to see that again. I feel so shattered.

I stood up from the bedroom and went to the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror pulling my clothes one after the other till I got completely naked.All I can see through the mirror is Sabir's print all over my body, I can see how he use kiss my lips down to my neck, how he grabs my boobs and twist my nipples around roughly with his thumb and fore finger, how he squeeze my butt and spank it, how i moan loud whenever he's inside of me,the smile on my face whenever we are together. I can't stop seeing all of these in the mirror which made me scream out loud but screaming didn't make me feel any better.

Got under the shower hoping to feel some relief but somehow it makes me feel worse, the shower reminds me more of Sabir, our first night together, I could play everything that happened that night in my head from the start till the end. I sat on the floor of the bathroom while the water from the shower run over me, for the forth time in thirty minutes I broke down again, I sat there and cried to the extent of having uncontrollable hiccup. I feel like I have cried more tears than the water coming out of the shower.

I tried to pick myself up, got out of the shower without even having a bath anymore, dried my body, put on a bathrobe and went straight to bed.I couldn't help but pick up my phone to go through all the videos I took of I,Sabir and Nabila when we were in Sri Lanka, it brought both smile and tears to my face and at the same time delight and ache to my heart. I keep on watching the videos until I fall asleep.

The sun was up before me, I had forgotten to put down the window blinds last night, the brightness of the sun which is almost blinding my eyes woke me up. I sat on the bed and I could feel the heaviness in my chest. "So what happened yesterday was real" I said to myself, I was hoping I was just having a bad dream, I was hoping to wake up and find Sabir lay by my side but instead I could sight the letter Sabir wrote to me on the floor where I threw it last night, I got up from the bed and picked up the letter, reading it all over again but it is still the same content as it was yesterday, the love of my life had left me without saying goodbye.

In annoyance I squeezed the paper and threw it in the bin, I didn't know when I started crying again, I don't know how I am supposed to deal with this pain, how long will I stay feeling this way ? Will I ever stop crying? Will my heart ever stop hurting? Was I wrong to fall in love? I keep questioning myself as I shed uncontrollable tears.

Went to the bathroom to take a proper shower, put on my clothe and left the room, I had to go see Limah, she must be awake by now according to Amir. My whole mood is down but still excited to see Limah. Got to the clinic and walked straight Limah's room, I didn't enter at first, I just stood at the entrance and watched, I could see her sitting on the bed and talking to Amir, she looked healthy and smiling as usual and for a moment I forgot all about my broken heart.

I walked in and jumped on her bed, hugging Limah from behind

"Bitch don't add to my pain" Limah uttered

"I miss you too asshole" I replied

I stood up from the bed and went right In front of her, "are you okay" I asked

"I'm fine Dee" she replied with tears in her eyes and gave me a tight hug

"Now I miss my best friend" Amir interrupted

"Thank you for taking care of her" I said facing Amir

"Why are your eyes swollen and red?" He asked

"I probably didn't get a good sleep" I said with a fake smile

"You will have eye-bags if you didn't get a good sleep Dina, have you been crying? Look at your hair, did you forget to brush it too?"

"Dina never forget to brush her hair, something is definitely wrong" Limah replied

"Okay I was just..." before I could complete my statement I broke down in tears again

"What is wrong Dee" Limah and Amir asked at the same time

"Sabir left" I replied

"I told you that casanova was gon break your heart" Limah uttered furiously

"Hey come on" Amir said as he walked me out of the room

We sat at the reception area, Amir tried to calm me down and make me smile, Limah couldn't leave her bed cause she is on drip.

Amir told me about his ex Shama, he met her in med school, it was love at first sight, he mentioned how he use to shower her with expensive gifts and take her to any restaurant of her choice no matter how expensive it was, he had taken a job while in school in other to be able to afford her.

He mentioned how she was the most beautiful girl in school, all the guys were all over her but he happened to be the one to get her attention and he thought he was lucky to have her. After meds school, they decided to take their relationship to the next level cause Shama had gotten pregnant for him and he was excited about the baby.

He got a comfortable apartment for them to live in and also cared for Shama like never before, he explained how he took extra shifts to get more money to take care of shama and his unborn baby. Shama gave birth to a baby boy and he was named after his dad, Amir jnr.

He kept going on and on about how he made sure Shama and Amir jnr never lacked anything, shama had become a full time mum but he never complained, he kept on doing his best.

Fast forward to two years later when shama had called him that Amir jnr was sick, he immediately told shama to bring him to the hospital where he worked, it turned out Amir jnr is sickle cell Anemic.

Sham's genotype is AS while Amir's genotype is AA so how come Amir jnr is SS. This news destabilize Amir which made him have a transient ischemic attack, he recovered within 24 hours but one of his fingers didn't.
Sham had been impregnated in med school by one of her suitors but didn't accept the pregnancy so she lied to Amir that he was the father.

He explained how heartbroken and depressed he was, it took him months of therapy and medication to bring him back on this feet, he had to change apartment because the old one reminded him of Shama and Amir jnr and ever since he hasn't been with anyone.

"How long as it been?" I asked

"It's been nine years" he replied

"Where is Shama and Amir jnr now?"

"Sham is in France but Amir jnr died 6 years ago" he uttered with a sad face

"I'm so sorry to hear that, he must have meant a lot to you"

"He did" he uttered

Sigh, his story is definitely one of the saddest heartbreak stories I have heard and somehow it made me feel better, at least I and Sabir haven't gone that far, the only thing he took away from me was my virginity. I got caught up in the moment and somehow I couldn't resist Amir's perfect lips, I moved closer to him and kissed him, he responded by kissing me back.

"Hi" a voice uttered but we didn't stop kissing

"I'm here for the test" the voice uttered again which sent shock to my heart, immediately I stopped kissing Amir and turned,

And there is Sabir standing right in front of me with Nabila.

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