The Virus

147 21 17

I wake up every morning feeling very weak and tired, all I do is sleep almost all day, it's been three weeks and four days since I found out I am pregnant and I haven't set my eyes on Sabir, not because I don't know how to go about it but because i don't know what his reaction might be, what if he want me to keep the baby? I'm I even ready for that ? He had left that note that night to tell me he is going to be treating patients at the millennium, I don't know why he chose to volunteer, when I see him I'll definitely ask. Nabila has been with us ever since, have tired my possible best to take care of her and make sure she doesn't miss her dad so much and she seem to forgive and forget easily for a 8 year old girl, we have gotten along ever since except for some days when she really want to see Sabir.

"Wake up Dina" Nabila yelled

"Nooo" I uttered as I put the pillow over my head and turned to the other side

"Come on"

"Why" I yelled from under the pillow

"Because you have been sleeping all day"

"That is because I am tired"

"Why are you tired, we stay in the room all day doing absolutely nothing"

"That is exactly why I'm tired Nabila, cause we stay indoor all day"

"But I and Limah don't sleep like you and we stay in the room all day too"

"That is because we are not pregnant but she is" Limah uttered

"Okay Nabila i am wide awake" I quickly said to cover up what Limah said

"Is that true?" Nabila asked

"Is what true?"

"What Limah said, are you pregnant?"

I chuckled and replied" no don't listen to Limah, she is just joking"

"I don't think I have ever lied to you Nabila" Limah replied

"Come on Nabila let's go get you a change of clothe" I replied as I jumped out of bed

"Tell her the truth" Limah whispered under her breathe

"Can I have a word with you Limah" I replied

"Okay I'm listening"

"In private"

"Okay" she replied as she followed me to the bathroom

"What is wrong with you babe"

"What did I do"

"What didn't you do? I will tell Nabila myself when it's time okay?"


"Fine" I replied as I walked out, leaving her in the bathroom

"Come on Nabila" I said as I grabbed her by her wrist

I grabbed my face mask while Nabila grabbed her face shield, we both walked in silence to her room which is really weird cause Nabila is never quiet, i don't know if what Limah said is the reason she's not saying anything to me or maybe she's not comfortable being outside.

"Are you okay? We can go back if you are uncomfortable"

"nah, I'm fine Dee"

"Okay" I replied

We got into the room and it looked untidy, We decided to keep it clean, we don't know when Sabir will be back but we know for sure we wouldn't want him coming back to this untidy room. We arranged the room and dressed the bed nicely, picked up all the nylons and papers on the floor into the the dustbin. Sabir and Nabila's clothes were scattered in the wardrobe, we brought the clothes out and poured them on the bed.

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