Hiking Trail

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This must be the most horrendous thing have ever heard in my life, I Feel like something has walked through me and left me numb shaking,have watched this happen in movies and have read them in the papers but never have I for once thought I'd be in a situation like this, I have no idea what to do or how to go about this especially with everything happening right now,coupled with the fact that the kidnapper left no message whatsoever for me or even a location, is this some sort of game? He didn't ask for no ransom at all, so what I'm I supposed to do to save Limah ? How do I know where she is? How do I even get there ?

Sabir and Nabila kept staring at me as I just pace round the room, hoping to get good news from Jamal, I tired to get out of the room but Sabir managed to convince me to stay put and hope Jamal will bring the good news.

"Will Dina be fine?" Nabila asked

" Of course she will be pumpkin, we will find her" Sabir replied

I sat down on the chair placed at the right side of the room, thinking about how I let Limah go hiking with a complete stranger knowing she wasn't in her right mind considering the fact that she had just found out her boyfriend is married but how could I have known Ali is a kidnapper, he looks too cute to be one besides I just wanted Limah to explore new things like I am doing with Sabir, what if Ali was kidnapped along side Limah ? I sat there thinking while staring into nothingness

"Dina" Sabir yelled my name

"Dina" he yelled again

"Dina" he yelled louder this time

" Yes" I responded with a shock

He knelt down in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders and said

" you have to stop thinking Dee, it could lead to a mental rut and I don't want that for you"

I smiled and said "okay doc" as a tear drop rolled down my cheek. He wipe my tear and pulled me closer, giving me a tight hug afterwards. The phone beeped for few seconds, I got up immediately to pick it up, releasing Sabir from the tight hug, it is a text message, I kept staring at the phone, thinking about the answer to the text I just got.

"Who is that?" Sabir asked

"The kidnapper" I replied

"What does the text say?"

"What has many keys but can't open a single lock?" I replied with a deep sigh

"A riddle? Are they serious? There is a crises going on and they want to play riddles? How does that even help us find Limah?"

"I don't know Sabir, maybe it is a clue or something"

" A piano" Nabila interrupted

"What Piano Nabila?" I asked

"The riddle Dina, a piano has many keys"

"what are we supposed to do with that information, do we get them a piano ?"

"There is a piano at the restaurant we had dinner, remember?" Sabir uttered

"Okay let's go there, the piano might give a us clue about the kidnappers"

"What about the guy you are waiting for" Sabir asked

I can't wait for him any longer, I need to go find Limah now.

"Okay, I am coming with you"

"No you can't sabir, we can't expose Nabila to whatever is out there, you need to be with her"

"But I can't let you be out there by yourself" he uttered

I placed my palm on his cheek and replied "I know babe, but you don't need to worry about me, I just need you and Nabila safe, go get your cell from your room, i'll call you if anything"

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