Goodbye Dina

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This clinic feels contaminated, I do not feel comfortable knowing someone with the virus is just few feet away from me, Amir should do me a favour and stay as far away from me as he can, I know he's well protected but still I don't want to take any chances, prevention they say is better than cure .

"Come on let's get you tested, I'll do the same for Limah in the morning" he uttered

My heart began to race fast again, I really hope I don't develop tachycardia from this constant fear, I am trying to figure out whether the cause of my recent fear is cause of the Anoroc virus test or cause of the outcome of Salma's result. She has been through a lot in these past days, first she got into an argument with her husband then she got abducted then she got raped and now she just tested positive to the deadly virus, I feel so sad for her but right now I gotta worry about myself, I really really hope I don't test positive.

I followed Amir to the test room, he brought out a long ass cotton bud, "raise your head a little bit" he said as he deepen the cotton bud deep down my nostril, this has to be the most painful test have ever done in my life, I feel like the bud touched my brain, felt a sudden shock which made me tear drop uncontrollably. I don't think I want to carry out this test again after this one, it'd be best to stay safe.

After the swab test, I thought about going to Salma to express how sorry I feel for her but at the same time, I don't know if that'd be right, I don't know her, all I know is she took what belonged to my girl, which I don't entirely blame her for because Noor is to be blamed for that but at the same time she and Noor make jest of my girl together, like she asked the other day "is this the crazy Limah you always talk about?"

Well after remembering all of that, coupled with her ego and dirty attitude well maybe she kinda deserve what is happening to her even though I think Noor should have been in her position instead.

So instead I just headed back to Limah's room, I didn't go close to her bed, I don't want to infect her just Incase my result comes out positive so I just sat on the chair placed at the corner of the room, breathe a deep sigh and said "I think it's about time we head back home Limah" I know she can't hear me but I was hoping to get a response from her anyways but like I said, she can't hear me so no response.

It's has gotten really dark now, I feel so tired, I haven't had any rest or anything to eat since I got back from SriLanka, I am famished, how I'm I just noticing that? Been searching for Limah all day and I totally forgot about eating. Do I head back to the room now to join Sabir and Nabila? My test result is not out so I can't go be with them, I can't put them at risk, I guess I'll just have to stay here until the result comes out.

"You look worn out, do you want something to eat?" Amir asked as he walked in

"You read my mind doc, I am very hungry"

"Okay, give me a min, I'll be right back" he said as he walked out.

He walked in again in a hurry

"I forgot to ask, what will you prefer, beef or chicken?"

"Beef please" replied with a chuckle

Whatever he's bringing better be tasty, I am too hungry for just any trashy food, now I miss home.

He didn't even take long, he returned with a tray packed with different food.

"Where did you get these much food?" I asked

"Are you gon eat or you want to question me?" He replied

I took off my face mask, went to the sink to wash my hands and then back to sit, Amir placed the tray on the small table close to Limah's bed dragged it closer to me. He got another chair and sat opposite me.

"Let's eat" he uttered

"You what to eat with me? What if I have the virus?" I asked

"You should be more scared, I have been the one testing people for days now but not to worry, I test myself too and I am negetiv..."

"I didn't even allow him complete his sentence, I picked up the spoon and start to eat"

"Wow you really hungry"

I smiled to him but in my mind it's "obviously asshole"

The food is really nice, the beef sauce is almost perfect, I enjoyed every bite,and also Amir turned out to be a fun guy to hang around with, he made me forget about all that is happening, I had a good laugh and everything was perfect until he he said

"You are beautiful Dina" with a serious look on his face.

He's beautiful too but have found my mr perfect already.

"Thank you Doc" I replied and continued

"Do you think my result is ready now"

"I'll go check" he said as he stoop up and cleared the table.

Few minutes later he returned with my result,handed the piece of paper over to me, I took in a deep breathe and opened it, to my surprise I tested Negative. I felt relieved, I don't know what I'd do if it had come out positive.

"I have to go sleep now, I'll be back in the morning" I said to him

"How will you get to your room?"

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out, pls just make sure nobody enters Limah's room, I don't want her infected" I said

I turned to Limah, gave her a peck on her fore head after which I walked out of the clinic, it's dark but the light made it easy for me me to find my way. I walked for almost 30 minutes before I could get to my room.

In excitement I knocked on the door and rang the room bell, I couldn't wait to see Sabir and Nabila.

Kept ringing the bell but nobody is responding, could they be asleep? I thought to myself, then I tried opening the door which opened, I got inside the room but it was empty, no Sabir and no Nabila. I began to worry again, I looked everywhere but nothing, I quickly rushed out of my room and ran to Sabir's room, rang the bell but no response too.

I hurried back to my room again, brought out my cell phone and tried calling Sabir, I could hear the phone ring which means he didn't take it with him. I traced the phone through the ring tone and I found it just beside the TV with a note under it. I picked up the note and it states

"You are the best part of this Vacation, I never thought anyone will make me feel the way you make i and my daughter feel, Nabila insist we wait for you but I can't bring myself to say goodbye to you Dina, we are on our way to the airport, leaving for the States tonight. I will always remember this Vacation, I will always remember you.

Goodbye Dina.

XoXo Sabir"

The phone I am holding dropped from my hand, I feel a sudden pain in my chest, not just pain but my chest also feels really heavy. A sudden sweat covered my body, I didn't even know when tears began to roll down my cheeks, i feel like all I have had just been taken away from me, I feel like I am now alone in the world, I feel like this is the end for me, I didn't see this coming at all, who would have thought Sabir will disappear on me this way? It's been so long I felt this kind of pain, why would Sabir do this to me? Why didn't he tell me his flight is tonight? why did he leave without saying goodbye?

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