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So I kinda forgot about this story. I don't think I'll finish it but if you wanna know what happened you can scroll down. I'll list out where the plot would have gone.

Terrin seeks into the castle to see Alan and they have their reunion. On the way there he stumbles into a secret room. This us where he finds Alan.

The secret room contains scientific experiments and the remains of those experiments preformed by Helen. She was working to create monsters who would assist her in conquering the whole continent. She practiced her experiments on the palace dogs resulting in the monster in the mountains Hypatia and her group found.

The monsters create a sound in order to hypnotize their targets. Once in a single location, the monsters slaughter their targets.

The Duke who originally exiled Hypatia and Terrin has motives to become ruler. He and Helen had teamed up with the agreement that she would be the ruler and to betray her sister but the Duke double crossed her and Helen was assassinated days before Hypatia returned.

The same Duke is using Helen's research into hypnosis in order to control Caelix. This is why Caelix always appears sleep deprived and kinda creepy. Caelix is unconscious of the hypnosis on him.

Varian invents this world's first gun powder. He discovers the proper ingredients when on a trip to the Alchemic Mountain range. There is an active volcano in these mountains so he can find sulfur easily, charcoal from fireplaces, and saltpeter is also found in the mountain faces.

Hypatia and Lenna begin butting heads about how Hypatia should retake the throne. Lenna wants to use Varian's alchemy to trick the public to think that ancient snow spirits were calling for Hypatia to be returned. Hypatia doesn't want to do this and thinks it would be better to no trick the public as it wouldn't guarantee their loyalty. Instead, she wants to to amass the people and behind spreading rumors that she has returned. Then she will gage the reaction and if positive, she will reveal herself in public.

Lenna suggests that they don't have enough man power to protect themselves from a head on attack and Varian mentions how he thinks a certain long hired princess might want to be involved.

In order for this to be completed, they need a messenger to got to Corona and Varian volunteers and Terrin accompanies him. Hypatia must remain in the Northern Isles to over see preparations. She kisses him on the way out.

The rebel group is driven out of their hide out before they can act thanks to the warning of Alan. They evacuate minutes before the castle guards storm the location. 

Now on the run, the group's splits up to begin their plan. Hypatia begins visiting citizens at the out skirts of the territory and when the people are ready she gets word that Varian is on his way back. Rapunzel and the other Corona characters join the story and they storm the castle. They are successful and the Duke is apprehended. Hypatia decides to imprison him in the lowest chambers.

She assumes her role as ruler.

Meanwhile Varian has gotten curious about his hair stripe noticing several people here in the Northern isles have similar hair color. Varian's father and Varian made up when back in Corona and his father notices this two.

It turns out Varian's father used to have connections to the northern isles and his mother is from there. They left on uncertain terms and Varian's father woke to one day finding a child on his door step. He never saw Varian's mother again.

Varian wonders if he could find his mother.

Rapunzel and Hypatia have a long discussion and decide to form an official alliance between their respective kingdoms. Hypatia also apologies to Rapunzel for busting out of their castle and offers to pay for repairs. Rapunzel laughs it off and hugs her.

Varian and Hypatia haven't gotten much time to spend together. Varian is the official Royal alchemist and he is busy in his lab while Hypatia works with rooting out any lingering traitors. She rarely has time to relax and they steal quiet moments at night with each other.

Flynn and Varian come up with a plan for Varian to set up a date for them. Although Varian and Hypatia mutually understand that they love each other, neither have vocally expressed it. So Varian gets the date ready all set with fireworks and a whole show set up by alchemy. Hypatia loves it and although they announce their relationship, they tend to keep their relationship out of the public eye.

The story ends with hypatia getting sick of being Queen and renounces the throne to Terrin.

Varian of the Northern IslesWhere stories live. Discover now