On the Run

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(he's so done in the picture above and I love it!)
     I couldn't help the grin that spread over my face. Varian grasped the bars separating us and I casually walked over to him. My hands felt raw from the iron handcuffs on my wrists but I leaned as close as I could to his ear.
     "My request is simple. Become my ally and help me conquer a kingdom."
     "What?! Conquer?! You just said you were a messenger!"
     "Anyone can be a messenger, Varian. I want you to help me and my assembled forces take the Northern Isles. It will be a grand statement about you and your alchemy. Not only will I grant you fortune but I'm certain many people will come to respect you for your genius as well. Imagine it, your inventions spread far and wide and a workshop all your own as large as an island. All you have to do is come with me."
     I stepped back after delivering my whispered speech. I saw him hesitate and the consequences of leaving.
"You will not be returning here, at least not for a long while," I said. Varian chewed his lip in thought and I could practically see his mind working, mulling over the the chances and possibilities. He didn't speak it out loud, but gave a slight inclination of his head.
     "Five o'clock." he whispered and walked away. I watched as he passed the door and released a breath. For better or worse, this was my only ticket out. The guards brought my dinner as the sun began to shine golden light through the bars of my cell. My estimation of when five o'clock was almost exact. I had been sitting under the window when a small shout alerted me to Varian. He was standing in front of my cell with a bunch of glass balls loaded into his belt. He gestured for me to step away and cover my ears. I did as he said and moments later a huge explosion blew the wall in. Debris went flying, clanging off the iron door at the other end of the prison. As soon as the smoke cleared, I launched myself out of the opening. My ears were ringing painfully and Varian hurried me into the side streets. I heard the shouts of guards and saw lights flick on in the castle.
     "We should borrow a horse," I panted. Varian lead me to the nearest stables and I kicked down the wooden door holding a sturdy brown mare. We loaded ourselves on as fast as we could and sped off in a mad dash for the bridge. I was in front and had the reins while Varian took care of our backs. Soon we were nearing the gates, but the guards had found us. I saw Cassandra on the back of a house which was steadily gaining on us as we rushed over the bridge.
     "COVER YOUR EARS!!!" Varian shouted to me. I obeyed as he sent an explosive arching through the air. It shook the bridge and I spurred the horse faster. Our horse flew off the bridge and I steered our path towards old Corona. We only stopped for a few moments at Varian's house to gather supplies. I helped him quickly assemble a cart to hold all of his items, plus a tent, some food, money which I added to my own stash, and extra cloths. Just as we were about to leave, I noticed something sparkly lying on the ground. It was the knife I'd bought, and I searched it up just before taking off once again.
     "So, Where to?," Varian asked, the rush of adrenalin coloring his cheeks.
     "North," I said gripping the reins tighter," To my kingdom."

Varian of the Northern IslesWhere stories live. Discover now