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Hypatia's POV
We decided to stop in a small town for two days to pick up supplies for crossing a mountain range. Terrin booked a room while Varian and I went shopping.
"Alright! We've got plenty of things to get, so let's get going!" Varian cheered. I smiled and glanced at the list he had made. His handwriting was simple, not calligraphy or anything, but it was...cute.
     "Wait," I thought to myself," Did I just describe handwriting as cute?!"
     "Hypatia?" Varian was a few paces ahead of me," you okay back there?"
     "Yeah yeah," I waved him of,"Let's go." We wandered through the shops buying thick cloaks, boots, hats, climbing material, grappling hooks(Varian insisted), New shirts and pants, and restocked all of our food and water. We met back up with Terrin just as it began to snow. Fat little clumps drifted to the ground only to collect on leaves and people. Varian shivered and I handed him a new purchased cloak. We walked into the hotel and I began sorting all of our goods.
     "Looks like you all were busy," Terrin commented," Is it too soon to go find somewhere to eat? I'm starving."
     "Terrin, it is never too early for food, come on!" I said and marched out the door. The snow had picked up and we could hardly see eachother through the flurries. Terrin and I breathed in deep, the familiar bite of the cold sinking into our skin.
     "I can't believe you two are actually enjoying freezing out here," Varian grumbled.
     "Oh, this? This isn't freezing, Varian. This is a light chill," I teased, my eyes flashing. Varian rolled his eyes, and we all stuck close together to find a place to eat. A restaurant called the snowflake looked inviting enough and we all bustled inside. The interior was nicely furnished with large padded chairs and a central fireplace with flames soaring up a chimney at the very top of the building. There were people from all walks of life, but this place was not a place for criminals. There was a band playing in the corner and even a few people dancing. Sweet aromas filled the space and the luscious scent of meats rose of from the Great fire.
     Terrin was practically drooling when we found a seat. A waitress soon took our orders and left giving us a pleasant smile. Even with the light atmosphere, I still didn't remove my hood. Neither did Terrin, I ducked a little lower into the seat. There were no Anti-Northern isles posters like in the pub at Gala, but I just didn't want to talk any chances.
     "Do you guys A sort of winter celebration?" Varian asked as he toyed with the forks," In Corona, we have a winter festival of sorts and I was wondering if the Northern Isles did the same thing."
     "Well we don't exactly have a winter festival since winter is really the only season we have, but we do have what is called the dancing sky."
     I saw Varian's eyes widen at just the name and grinned at his excitement.
     "It takes place at night, when the moon is full, the night is clear, and majestic colors dance in the sky. It glimmers for miles and is visible throughout the entire Northern Isles. Glorious blues and greens swirl with little bits of silver and gold."  I remembered my sister staying up past our bedtime countless nights just to watch the colors.
     Terrin continued my description," There is a celebration that lasts seven days and seven nights for this special. It happens at different times through the year, but our most beautiful shows are during the winter so that's why the festival is set during this time of year."
     Varian's eyes glimmered and I caught an uncanny similarity to them and the blues that graced the heavens. I blinked and it was gone. Soon our food was brought out for us, little tendrils of steam rising for its surface. We ate heartily, the food warming us from the inside and I soon jumped up.
     "Varian! Come dance!" My chair skidded on the floor," Let's dance until the band stops playing!"
     "wait what?!" Varian glanced nervously from my hand to my face and back again," D-dance?!"
     Terrin said nothing but a smirk graced his lips. Varian flushed pink, but hesitantly took my hand.
     "U-um. Hypatia," he whispered," I-I don't... I mean I'm not exactly the best dancer..." 
     "Varian, as long as you're better than that guy over there," I gestured to a man standing stock still on the dance floor," I think you'll be fine!"
     Varian sighed and entered the dance floor with me. At fist he just gently wanted back and forth, but as tempo increased so did his dancing. Before I knew it, Varian was dancing in the center of the crowd, grinning from ear to ear. He was a bit of a dork but the way he moved was carefree. I walked up to him and lightly bumped his side with my hip. He turned to me and I grinned," See, I knew you could dance."
     "Well, how about you?" He teased," Can you dance?"
     "Varian, I am the Queen of the Northern Isles, and if you think that I can't dance, then you will surly be surprised~ " I said twirling around him. I didn't notice the words that had slipped out of my mouth until it was too late. Thankfully, no one else had either. I let myself flow and Varian and I danced, the rhythm of the band swirling in the room. I was so caught up in the music, I didn't watch where I was going, and crashed into a woman. I stumbled backwards, apologies already on my lips until I tripped again and crashed into Varian. We fell backwards together and landed heavily on the floor.
     "Oof....," I grumbled and opened my eyes and I felt my heart jump in my chest, adrenaline  flooding through me. I was laying on top of Varian who had propped himself up and was rubbing his head.
     "Ow," he grumbled and then he too noticed  the fact of me laying on top of him. I could practically hear the panic in his and shot up off of him. He was up in seconds and we were both blushing madly.
     "Sorry, I uh tripped you," I mumbled and he silently nodded his head, too flustered to reply. We decided to leave shortly after that. Terrin blessedly didn't comment but the simple look he was giving me said that he knew exactly what had happened.
     The storm had calmed down, but now a thick, pristine layer of the snow coated the ground. It took us a lot longer to get back to the inn. We were all undeniably chilled to the bone by the time we stumbled through the door and I instantly called the bath for myself. Terrin went next leaving Varian and I to talk.
"Honestly, I have no idea where that woman was going," I said trying to ease the awkwardness," She just plowed into me out of nowhere!"
Varian smiled and when Terrin reemerged, Varian ducked into the bathroom. I yawned and took off my shoes to crawl into my bed. Soon we were all im bed, but I couldn't sleep. I heard both the steady breathing of Varian and Terrin in their respective beds, but I couldn't stop my heart from racing. I got up and padded around the floor, my feet chilled on the cool planks.
I turned to see Varian sitting up in his bed.
"Why are you up?" he scratched his head, his exhaustion slurring his words as if he were drunk.
"O-oh. It's nothing... I was just restless," I mumbled. I hurried back to my bed and pulled the sheets over my head.

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