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     "Thank you," I mumbled to the carriage driver as he slowed the horse to a stop. He helped me down from the carriage and I handed over a coin. The carriage departed to the sound of steady hoof beats and I squinted in the harsh daylight. I was in the middle of a bustling market place with vendors and craftsmen shouting to customers over the din of metal and other voices. I let myself wander, but was careful to pull my hood tighter over my head.
     The clanging of a nearby blacksmith shop enticed me enough to take a closer look. The shelves were lined with everything from weapons that looked as if they could gut a man in seconds to harmless jewelry.
     "Do you see something you like, Miss?" boomed a voice form the depths of the shop. I jumped but recovered myself with ease.
     "Oh, hello. Yes, I was interested in this dagger," I replied. The blade in question was sleek and inlaid with moonstone and opal. I had been looking for a present for my sister for a while and this perfect.
     "Well, if you wish to buy it, that will be sixteen gold pieces," the man behind the counter stated. Just as I began reaching for my purse a commotion erupted form a street behind me. A woman, riding barefoot on a powerful horse was chasing a masked figure through the streets. The most interesting thing about her was the long trail of blond hair that streamed out behind her. They dashed around a corner and cheers for the woman followed the commotion down the street.
     "Who was that?" I asked the shopkeeper.
     "That was Princess Rapunzel. You must be from very far away to have not heard of her before."
     A small chuckle escaped me at the thought. The man was right. I was incredibly far away from my home, but at this point, I didn't know if I would even call it my home anymore.
I counted out the coins, picked up the dagger, and thanked the blacksmith once again.
     The sun was still high in the sky as I began to talk to more people. I inquired about this kingdom called Corona and the strange princess named Rapunzel. I also asked about the wizard named Varian. The people I spoke to were all very friendly and almost all of them had nice things to say about the princess. I learned about her kidnappings and the events that had taken place to return her to her parents. When I asked about Varian I hardly got any response at all. Those that did know who I was talking about, described him as a troublemaker and reckless. To my surprise, he was only fourteen.
     "Well," I thought to myself," You're only sixteen and already hiding your identity. You have no right to judge a reckless fourteen year old."
     Night fell and I began looking for a place to spend the night. I found an inn and booked a room for two nights. The man at the front desk handed over my key, not even bothering to look up from his book. I sighed and traipsed up the stairs.
     "Room 15," I muttered under my breath, eventually arriving at the door. I had nothing with me besides my money and the clothes on my back. I took the dagger out of my pocket and set it on the nightstand. I hopped my sister would like it. The window was open allowing the warm night air to flow in. I closed the window with a huff and striped off my clothes. My glance lingered on my reflection and the brilliant white hair that fell in waves around my waist. Ice blue eyes stared back at me and I turned away from the mirror. The bed was lumpy but it was still better than sleeping on the ground. Even though I was tired, I couldn't sleep. I wrapped a blanket around me and sat at the window. The moon was only in its waxing quarter but it was still a comfort. Stars slowly poked out of the night, appearing like little eyes watching over the sleeping world. I don't know how long I stayed awake, but I drifted off, still sitting and watching the moon and stars.

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